Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What Ever Happened to Blaming Canada?

It wasn't too long ago that we could look at our nation's faults only to blame Canada for these issues and challenges. In fact, South Park characters' film earned profits by telling us to: "Blame Canada." So why can't we blame climate change on Canada?

Today's Washington Post features an article about insurance companies climbing into bed with global warming adherents by blaming it for their recent loses. There's a drought in Nebraska. Blame global warming. A thunderstorm moves across Oklahoma. Global warming for sure. The river floods in Mississippi. Global warming without fail. Hurricanes? Global warming from here to there. Wow! I ran out of gas. Must have been global warming. Late for a date? Global warming. Credit card company called due to a late payment. Global warming, thank you.

Truth seems to be insurers have been planning to off-load high risk insured in high risk coastal and earthquake areas on the feds for some time. Problem is that construction is exploding on the Southeastern coast just because land is cheap while insurance and implied government make-whole guarantees are plentiful. Today's storms are not any more plentiful nor are they stronger according to the National Hurricane Center. Storms just impact much more poplulated areas that cost more and more to rebuild.
