Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Senator from La La Land

Seattle is buzzing with chit chat of the new giant slayer, Maria Cantwell, junior Senator of Washington. It's said that she feels she is the new "Scoop" Jackson of international relations fame. Little Maria took on Senator Steven of Alaska, one of the DC beltway's most powerful voices for energy and commerce. And she got a delay.

It's now been over two and a half decades since early fossil fuel explorations proved that billions upon billions of oil barrels and untold cubic feet of natural gas are languishing under the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge. We all know that economic activity in Alaska is confined to resource extraction and management. That's the fishery in the Gulf of Alaska, timber, minerals, and of course fossil fuels.

This find became public as the Alaskan pipeline came on line and the prospect of additional fossil fuel extraction swept a mostly poor state. Senator Stevens stepped forward to expedite further exploration so that the size of the find could be assessed. Not to happen. Enviro- extremists organized to stop any further fossil fuel drilling and extraction from Alaska by pressuring a strong majority Democrat House and Senate to take ANWR off America's drilling inventory. That was 25 years ago.

Segway to today's Congress where Republicans now rule. You'd think that conservatives might consider that they are being attacked by Democrats for energy prices. That's energy prices that are high because of Democrat resistance to fossil fuel exploration and extraction. That the Democrats that stop all refinery capacity enlargement. That's the Democrats that tax fuel more than any other product other than tobacco. That's the Democrats that lie and cheat about who's responsible for all of our energy shortages.

The House and senate have approved ANWR drilling straight up. Cantwell and her "friends" are using every method to subvert the will of the people. She might have stepped on the wrong man's toes. Cantwell after all lives in a glass house. She was elected in a Seattle "miraculous" recount, the practice for the governor's recount of 2004 where thousands of votes appeared to overturn early leads by the Republican.

More interesting was that Cantwell ran on a "no money from special interet groups" campaign pledge. So she borrowed a few million during the campaign. Then when she was elected, she used Hillary Clinton and Senator Edwards to raise money from special interests which they delivered to her to get around campaign laws. Since the dough was collected by others, she claimed she needn't disclose her contributors.

Then Maria led a group of "intellectual" women on a visit to Cuba. The recounts of their clam bakes and mutual respect cooing were not found in Seattle's papers, but in the New York Times. It's there that she was quoted saying: "That Fidel is a Merlot man, as opposed to Seattle's Chardonnay drinking progressive men." Never mind that Fidel is one of the world's most prolific mass murderers. He is after all progressive, whatever that means.

I suspect that Stevens will remember how precarious Maria's house of cards truly might be. Keep posted.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Socialists Flex their Muscles!

We see today that the Senate refused to stop "debate" by a total of 56 to 44 for the drilling of ANWR. 56 Republican senators want to pass the appropriations bill while 44 Democrats refuse to go forward. What does this mean? It means that a few Republicans are siding with Democrats to oppose drilling in ANWR. Why? Because they want to stop US drilling and production.

President Bush will be credited by honest historians for many changes in America. In fact, he is probably the most PROGRESSIVE president in our history. One of his projects is to stop enviro-eco-extremists stopping exploration and development of fossil fuels. He's also demanding real science to support his political opponent's proposed legislation.

Science is no longer a part of left wing abuses. Today a federal court judge in Pennsylvania said that evolution is the strongest pillar of today's science. Say What? Evolution, a loosely organized political and anti-God concept proves nothing. Yet an ignorant and stupid judge says otherwise. Why? Because he feels it. Because he thinks that he is somebody that feels that evolution is proven. Not even a respected extremist left wing scientist says that evolution is proven. Name one!!!!

I love this time in America's political development. We see that real political concepts and scientific sentiments are now driving our policies. Yes, a number of idiot mayors went to Montreal to say they support the UN and other socialist countries in their effort to destroy America. These guys are stupid as stupid does. They are liars and abusers. And they now demand power outside of the electoral process.

Imagine that our constitution and the vote of our people are considered irrelevant by left wing extremists!! It's time that we demand the truth or we run them out of town.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

ANWR is back

With Democrats betting the farm on the Vietraq war and Republicans finding their roots, ANWR is back on the negotiating table. Only this time, the facts are prevailing. The oil under ANWR is needed to lessen America's reliance on foreign fossil fuels. In fact, Senator Stevens of Alaska is now winning after over 25 years of Democrat stalling. The Senate and the House have approved drilling in ANWR, so the people have spoken.

The facts are that ANWR probably has much more than 11 billion barrels of very clean sweet crude. Some believe that nearly 20 billion barrels will be extracted before it's all said and done. The enviro and eco crowd has demanded and received the earth's most extensive Environmental Impact Statements that indicate that no environmental harm or permanent damage is expected. And we know that today's three dimentional drilling capabilities reduce the number of wells required to exploit a field and also dramatically reduce the "footprint" of drilling platforms and support services.

ANWR is one of the many religious icons of blind faith secular socialist religion. This is the same crowd that attempted to stop oil drilling in the 1970s and the Alaskan pipeline. None of the "scientific" evidence presented then proved reliable. In fact all was wrong. Today we hear the same babble. Bottom line is that eco extremists want to end US fossil fuel exploration and use. And they want to take the people's land away so that it's their own playground.

For those looking to relate ANWR drilling to reality, look at it as a football field. If ANWR is 100 yards long, the drilling will take place on a piece that is smaller than a postage stamp. I think it's time that some of our extremists get a grip and a life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Kyontreal and more!

Montreal broke the record book for cost and lavishness to attract only those that cry "Global Warming." It seems necessary to ply "scientists" with wine, lots of women, and song to convince them to follow the eco-siren's song of immediate planet death. Montreal reminds me of my last fraternity poker game. "I raise you two hurricanes to your Greenland icecap melt" says somebody. Then we hear "I'll raise that with two tornadoes and four glaciers receding." And an environmentalist in a pear tree.

With all this handholding on asset redistribution, kwanzaa is becoming mainstream. As with past global secular socialist parties, the Bush administration is taking the punch away. Waaaaaaa! Talk about rude. The American delegation walked out on the 10th straight hour of Bush and USA bashing at midnight in Montreal. Waaaaaa! Many countries like Venezuela and Cuba were just getting warmed up. There were still 8 hours of darkness left so economic and social vampires had plenty of time to suck our blood.

What's heartwarming is that Australia and China are joining Bush and now Japan in crafting their own environmental policies. These nations laugh at redistributing US wealth to all other nations. This group asks about Europe and Africa doing some work for a change? The Old Europe feels that everybody owes them an entitlement to live the life. So Global Warming and the internet are their ticket to future prosperity. Problem is that Bush is pushing back after decades of easy going for the rest of the world.



Friday, December 02, 2005

Gulfstream slows, somebody says

Word from the European Community is that the Gulfstream is slowing by 30% over recent time. Whoa Nellie! Worse is that this means the British Isles and Northern Europe will cool precipitously. Some say as much as 6 degrees C over the next decade or so. That's Ice Age temps. What's causing all this? Global Warming of course. The Journal Nature is quoted in the Guardian, one of Europe's premier left wing news outlets.

The basis for this dot-connection-science is that Global Warming is melting the Polar ice cap and Greenland's ice which is changing the Atlantic's salinity which reducing it's weight which keeps it from sinking into the abyss which reduces the circulatory speed of the Gulfstream. That means the volume of warm water streaming north is reduced which means the UK and Northern Europe are cooling. Whew, that's a mouth full. And it's a long stretch to connect each of these rather Global Warming accommodating dots.

What do climate scientists say about this most dramatic development? Don't know? It's the politicians speaking as usual. The same politicians that "feel" we are over consuming and which fear property ownership and personal empowerment. Yes, those secular socialist political scientists!


Montreal's Climate is Cooling

The Eco-shindig du jour is happening in Montreal this week. It's said that salmon and Orca are the protein of choice to woo the attendants to sign up for Kyoto Plus! Problem was, and still is, that the 500 pound gorilla (USA for those living in secular socialism) isn't peeling this stale banana. In fact, little is sweet about a crowd of politically charged world ruler wanna bes. The French and even the Russians look at the USA and they drool with desire to control it, if not destroy it.

The Bush administration rolls out statistic after statistic that proves that the USA is cutting all forms of emissions and is using less energy per GDP dollar every year. So as our economy screams into the outer solar system, our fuel consumption and resulting emissions are even or reducing. And better is the fact that economic competition drives improvements in energy use every year. That's without draconian laws and choking regulations. Not that the USA has a shortage of either abusive laws or worthless regulations.

Yet the answer from the Montreal calm-bakers and their secular socialist media is that these statistics don't matter. Even if they did, we can do much better. The Washington Post tells us just that with a "disturbing" editorial today.

Let's get this straight. Our economy increases, which lifts all the world's standard of living. We do this without increasing energy usage and by producing less pollution. We provide the vast majority of all of the world's research and development. 9 out of 10 jobs worldwide depend on us. And the poor and needy rely mostly on us. Yet we are the problem. The American consumer is the problem. I'd like to get a few of the drugs the Montreal conventioneers are using.


Monday, November 07, 2005

Bush kills Bambi again.

These are troubled times for the eco-political crowd. Today's Seattle Post intelligencer tells us that former Clinton Secretary of the Interior Bruce "Fidel" Babbitt is pushing his new book: "Cities in the Wilderness." His take on recent reviews of failing environmental laws is that all is not lost. Yes, the Endangered Species Act will be modified (watered down, no pun intended) and the National Environmental Protection Act will also be changed to be more human/animal/vegetable neutral. But don't fret, eco-terrorists, Babbitt sees lots of silver on those storm clouds.

He says that a few hundred mayors are pushing for global warming legislation. Babbitt feels that this is proof that the "people" favor more, not fewer restrictions on land use and transportation choices. For others, a few hundred miserably failing mayors really bring nothing to the debate. These are the guys who sit while schools fail more than half their students. These are the guys that can't fill potholes, much less understand climate science.

Speaking of climate science, today's N Y Times writes in an editorial that more pressure is on the horizon to force President Bush to control and limit carbon dioxide. The NY Times editorial goes as far as to cite a recent multi-day article that tells us we have "already lost the North Pole." What will Santa do? He'll have to move to Tahiti, where rumors of icebergs and forming glaciers are spreading. Or was it flooding? I can't remember which "Best Available Science" story is now mainstream "settled science."

Worse is that the same "scientists" say that Greenland's multi-mile deep ice cap is soon to be lost too. I've read a few of these "studies" which say that melting near shore is increasing. They feel that's the case due to measured glacial water off flow at one site in Easter Greenland. Yet those pesky satellites tell us otherwise. They say that the cap is actually growing faster than melting. In fact, today's cap is the deepest every measured. We can all debate why more water is flowing off Greenland at one location, but connecting that single dot to global warming is not very scientific.

Yet, Greenland and the Arctic are two of the handfull of "proven scientific bricks" in the global warming foundation. Settled science follows the media repeating feelings and opinions until the people believe it to be the truth. I think it's a propaganda principle to repeat a half or totally untruth several times until those listening begin to accept it as fact. Global warming, global warming, global warming! Why don't I get it?


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What Ever Happened to Blaming Canada?

It wasn't too long ago that we could look at our nation's faults only to blame Canada for these issues and challenges. In fact, South Park characters' film earned profits by telling us to: "Blame Canada." So why can't we blame climate change on Canada?

Today's Washington Post features an article about insurance companies climbing into bed with global warming adherents by blaming it for their recent loses. There's a drought in Nebraska. Blame global warming. A thunderstorm moves across Oklahoma. Global warming for sure. The river floods in Mississippi. Global warming without fail. Hurricanes? Global warming from here to there. Wow! I ran out of gas. Must have been global warming. Late for a date? Global warming. Credit card company called due to a late payment. Global warming, thank you.

Truth seems to be insurers have been planning to off-load high risk insured in high risk coastal and earthquake areas on the feds for some time. Problem is that construction is exploding on the Southeastern coast just because land is cheap while insurance and implied government make-whole guarantees are plentiful. Today's storms are not any more plentiful nor are they stronger according to the National Hurricane Center. Storms just impact much more poplulated areas that cost more and more to rebuild.


Monday, September 12, 2005

Endangered Species Act

The heat is turned up on a proposed review of the efficacy of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Republicans are saying that the evidence is in that the ESA achieves very little in its task to save endangered species. In fact, research tells us that few if any species are being helped by the act. Yet Democrats are pulling out the heavy artillery to stop any its bitsy look-see at their act. Truth is that the ESA is a major construct of the "Blind Faith Secular" government religion.

This religious movement feels that all of their laws and feelings are infallible. That only non-believers ignorant of their religion would question what the faithful know. This position is breathtaking because the vast majority of the Blind Faith religion are paid by tax dollars. There are researchers and scientists. Teachers and professors. The elected and bureaucrats. All preaching and all unconstitutionally using our tax dollars to worship.

How is this expressed? Conservatives are for the first time asking questions about conclusions made by certain global warming and environmental experts. Yet these experts are running for the exits. They claim they are being persecuted. They are hiding behind their political handlers. Liberals say that all conclusions are vetted by scientists. And all research is peer approved. In English, they say that each member of their religion reviews other members of their religion. And after decades of review after review. Their conclusions are right.

This process mirrors the liberal political processes. A number of liberals get together to debate policy. They select one to be the conservative. Then they beat up on him until he says that he has changed his mind. Then they tell us that this policy was fully and fairly debated in a bipartisan spirit. I remember a John Kerry friend telling the media that "John always reviews every issue from 25 viewpoints." My response is why does he always arrive at the same political place? That's not coincidence, it's ignorance and bigotry.

The ESA is one of the Blind Faith religion's commandments. So expect a fight unlike any other when conservatives demand that the act be reviewed for results. There are none because the act was never intended to save species. It was written to restrict property ownership, to slow economic development, to end the use of cars, to slow population growth, and to redistribute wealth. It works quite well in this arena. And that's what the conservatives seek to end.


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Louisiana #1 for Federal ACE Aid in 2004

The Army Corps of Engineers has released their budget to show that Louisiana received more federal aid than any other state over the past 5 years and much more than under the Clinton Administration. This announcement seems to undercut Democrat accusations that the Bush administration caused the levee failures by cutting Corps funding. Not True!

In fact, Louisiana receives much more than California with five times the ocean front, five times the ports, and seven times the population. A closer review of the budget by the Washington Post highlights breathtaking abuse of our federal dollars. One project to the tune of almost $800 million is rebuilding virtually unused locks on one of the canals. A $20 million repair to the old locks was turned down by Democrats. So Senator Landreaux then sneaked the $800 million into a Iraq funding bill.

The Washington Post says that the vast majority of the Corps' funding is not used for flood control but rather unrelated pork projects for Louisiana Democrats. Yet it is they and their brethren that are shrill in their personal attacks on the president and every person he's ever met in his lifetime. Even then, the Corps says that the levees that failed were recently overhauled and were the best and strongest money could buy. That fact seems to get lost in minority congresswoman Pelosi's and minority Senator Reid's rants and character assassinations.

These revelations further underscore that some in government care little about facts. These are the same "truthtellers" that are demanding we stop our economic expansion for global warming action. Now how can any reasonable person believe these misguided and often truth challenged people? We can't. Recent efforts to identify the "experts" that found global warming and those who tested their conclusions, are coming up short of answers. For some of us that's not surprising. Climate change is real, but global warming is a political and eco-religious movement.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Robert F Kennedy Jr. To Earth's Rescue!

I'm sleeping better tonight because I know that R F Kennedy Jr. is out in his Lear Jet telling all that President Bush caused Hurricane Katrina. In an article posted on Yahoo! News from, Kennedy tells us that President
Bush caused Katrina by ignoring the Kyoto Protocols, like Clinton did, and by refusing to redefine earth's carbon building blocks as pollution. Now that's a mouthful.

Here's a guy who uses dozens of extra large SUVs and flys in Jets while he joins with his uncle, Teddy the brain and brawn, when they chat with eco-abuser John Kerry. As a side bar, years ago Ted Kennedy was photographed taking a professional girl out on his boat. A few miles off shore they shed their swim suits to engage in horizontal communication. When the Senate saw the pictures in one of the national tattlers, a noted Democrat was heard to say that: "Kennedy's position on off-shore drilling seems to have changed."

Bobby Jr goes on to quote the change in administration policy: A moment of truth is arriving, Barbour wrote,in the form of a decision whether this Administration's policy will be to regulate and/or tax CO2 as a pollutant. The question is whether environmental policy still prevails over energy policy with Bush-Cheney, as it did with Clinton-Gore. He derided the idea of regulating CO2 as eco-extremism, and chided them for allowing environmental concerns to trump good energy policy, which the country has lacked for eight years.

That's good energy policy and science over "Blind Faith Secular Socialism" that attacks anyone who questions their beliefs. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? And we are paying some of the church members disguised as researchers and bureaucrats. I love this planet. I marched on the first Earth Day. My favorite art is circa 1950 pictures of Yosemity National Park. I contributed time to the Sierra Club before it became an eco-religious cult. So don't tell me about ecology and caring.

But I also believe in America and its freedoms. Freedoms of choice that the Secularists try to deny us. Choice of self defense, choice of transportation, choice of education, choice of housing, choice of property ownership, choice of work and business and the right to speak without the political correctness police arresting us. Blind Faith Secularlists know it all and Bobby Jr. is a know it all for sure.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Scientist: "knowledge as distinguished from ignorance."

Scientists are revered by left of center thinkers for their ability to separate themselves from feelings and biases while they seek the truth. Scientists don't believe in anything. Not Santa or the Easter Bunny. Not the tooth Ferry or God. They are the pillars of truth and tested opinion, they stand alone among us mere mortals who need to grasp at straws to make sense of things.

So why are scientists running for the exits now that many are starting to ask questions about their methodology, or how they connect sometimes invisible dots. Global warming is said to be absolute due to peer review and multiple testing. Say what? Show us the money and the results. Where's the beef? Why hide behind political hacks that attack the questioners? Why not allow real questions so that global warming can be tested scientifically?

So today comes another blow to the body science. The NY times writes that the UN is now publishing the results of 100 of the most heralded radiation scientists that went to Chernobyl to study the aftermath of that most extreme nuclear accident. And guess what? The real science is light years from the not-so-scientific-science offered at the time of the event and in the years thereafter.

The experts were so far off reality that their opinions are totally irrelevant in today's terms. They said tens of thousands would die from radiation sickness. Today only 400 deaths can be directly attributed to the event while another 4,000 are possible. We were told that radiation would linger for several hundred years. It is gone after 20 years. Not that 20 years are irrelevant, but the experts were so far off that they must review every thought, every theory, every statement because they are based on a 'flat earth" concept.

How can these guys be so wrong? Especially since radiation is easy to study after two bombs were dropped on Japan and tests were plentiful in the 20th century. Point is that even with this elementary science, the experts are out to lunch. Now let's talk climate. Not a single conclusion can go unchallenged and untested by outside experts. We might demand that every scientist learn how to define his designation.

Species Management

Congress reconvenes to begin some of the heaviest legislative lifting of this generation. Entitlement programs must be reeled in and controlled, once and for all time. Defined retirement for government workers must be ended because these programs pay out more than was earned by the beneficiary. Tort reform needs to be broadened so that we can end the lottery of riches for some at the expense of others. Recently a jury awarded $250 million punitive damages for a case where the man died of other causes. They said that it was fair and just, though.

And it's now or never to rework the Endangered species Act. This act is among a few that are used as hammers to force extreme landuse and zoning restrictions and finally to end private property rights in America. Eco and Enviro extremists feel this act is the foundation for attacking man's footprint on earth. And it is written so loosely that sympathetic judges can take it and run.

We see how this act can be abused in the greater Seattle region. Step one started with federal suits that claimed that individual species of salmon were dying out. Salmon is now the world's number one food fish in terms of tons harvested annually. So the trick to get protection was to distinguish the species by each stream they inhabit. As a sidebar, recently a group started getting Killer Whales or Orca listed because a single pod speaks differently than another. So it's not just where salmon live, but also what dialect whales speak.

Don't get me wrong. I love animals and would do anything reasonable to help those in need. But enviro and eco extremists are fascists that demand that animals act and speak and play and live and die as they see fit. A good example was Keiko, the whale made famous by the film "Save Willey." Well when ole Keiko failed to stay in Iceland where the extremists said he must, they called for him to be euthanized. And a few weeks later he lay dead in a fjord in Sweden. They said he died of an infection. Oh Ya! Wasn't that convenient. We have moved individual oracs throughout the sound at the cost of millions because they whale didn't conform to Orca experts' behavior and family relationship rules.

We all know about the snail darter, the marlet, the infamous spotted owl and more. In Seattle we kill indigenous sea lions to save wild salmon. We kill Canada geese by the thousands to keep lawns clean. We kill crows and other birds because they are a nuisance. And recently we began to kill owls that are competing for spotted owl territory. Now that's respect for wildlife. Whatever happened to evolution and species selection? Not for those who use the hammer of the Endangered Species Act.

It's time to end this madness.


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Katarina was caused by Global Warming. NOT!

It's now 72 hours AK, that's "After Katarina." And we are hearing the dishonest and disingenuous propaganda from the envirowarriors. They tell us that hurricanes are increasing in intensity due to Global Warming. And that President Bush is the cause of all Global Warming. Why? Because he didn't propose and sign the Kyoto Protocol. Of course they forget that Bill Clinton didn't propose it either. He just let it languish hoping that a fool like Al Gore might be elected president. At least this administration said what Clinton was afraid to say: Kyoto is a fraud!

Back to Katarina. She was a bute. Yet hurricane experts tell us that the mid-Atlantic Ocean is in the high point of hundreds of years oscillation. That means that hurricanes are more plentiful and sometimes more aggressive. These oscillations move across the globe. A decade ago I was in Tokyo when they suffered their most furious recorded typhoon. We were in a cab and within 30 minutes the water was up to the window of the cab. The wind exceeded 150 miles an hour that afternoon. The subways were flooded and all traffic stopped. As a side bar, I taught a bartender at the Tokyo Hilton to pour perfect manhattans. He was very happy to do so. Bob Lee, one of the world's foremost life insurance executives, sat with me while we drank three doubles. Problem was that they cost $170 each. What do you think about a $1,500 six drink tab?

Back to Katarina. Experts tell us that typhoons and hurricanes around the globe are on the down side of the oscillation. They are down and we are up. Global Warming we ask? Not a factor they say. Anyone who says that Global Warming had even an iota to do with this hurricane is a member of the "Blind Faith Secular Socialist" religion. They care little about science or about reality. They just believe that mankind's influence on the planet must be controlled and diminished.

One more thing about Katarina. Look at the uneducated and government dependent masses in New Orleans, that have no idea what to do to save their families or themselves. This is the result of 70 years of liberal secular socialism. We have allowed ignorant politicians to take tens of TRILLIONS of our tax dollars for their programs and projects that have increased poverty and dependence. Look at the human resources that are lost for all time. These are smart people who have been herded and abused until they have no hope. If ever there is a time to see what secular socialism has achieved, look at New Orleans today, Thursday, September 1, 2005.


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Bush Fights Back

Bush Administration sets EPA regs and CAFE mileage standards for SUVs and light trucks as states continue to meddle in national environmental and manufacturing standards. It seems that the Left Coast and the Northeast are attempting to set new standards for carbon emissions from cars and trucks. Not so fast, say the national regulators. It's their mission to regulate nationally without state by state interference. But left of center thinkers in California, Oregon, and Washington, feel they have too much time on their hands so that they can now take over most of the fed's regulatory authority.

What's going on here? The Blind Faith Secular Socialist movement is like water in a shallow riverbed. Plug it here and it squirts out there. And it's still all about the holy grail called "Global Warming." If PETA were not a dues paying member of this church, we might see an animal sacrifice revival to appease the Evo and Eco gods. This is the "government ought-to-do-something crowd. They got older but never grew up. Some say these activists are educated beyond their intellectual capacity. They just might be right.

Problem is that science has no place among these blind faithers. They know there is global warming and they must do something to stop it. Yet they are also the liberal do-as-I-sayers while they are limo-liberals that need SUVs and jets and twenty houses to live their lives. Thank the real God that the people stand between these activists and our pocketbooks.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Eastern States want to lead!

Word is that Northeastern states are moving ahead on controlling and reducing "greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming." So it's said in today's NY Times article/semi-science propaganda. Greenhouse gases are actually a singular hate for carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the building block of organic life from plants to humans. Controlling the emissions of CO2 is the back door envirowar against America's consumer society and fast growing economy.

The process of controlling CO2 is a microcosm of how left of center thinking elitists believe they can regain control over this nation. And it has all the fingerprints of the usual suspects all over it. First and foremost, a slower growing economy also slows the creation and growth of wealth. We must remember that wealth is the root of all evil on the world. Or so it's said.

Second, by creating a market for trading CO2 it becomes a taxable commodity that can be used to redistribute existing wealth from those who earn it to those who don't. This critical process is necessary because once the economy slows, the masses get restless unless they are promised redistribution of other's money.

Third is an artificially structured CO2 system requires a huge bureaucracy to manage and control. This creates jobs for adherents to the notion that CO2 is actually a pollutant. As this crowd grows and as their livelihood is connected to CO2 as pollution, a critical mass of followers will stand in the way of any politician that tries to bring real science into the conversation about climate change.

And fourth and most importantly is that an international CO2 redistribution and trading system controlled by the Kyoto/UN crowd will begin the process of funding the UN and other NGOs for all eternity. Once we create this monster and it is self sustaining, we can only end it by burning the UN village to the ground. These are still the early days before the real envirowars begin to torch the world as we know it. Yet it's almost like watching a slow-motion accident from start to finish with few resources available to avoid it.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Where's the Beef?

It's interesting that we are being drowned by the deafening sound of silence on global climate change. It seems that a push back here and a push back there is driving the alarmists under ground. It's been weeks since a new re-re-research finding proves that the earth is near death. Is this really the start of moderation in science?

Don't bet the farm on it. We know that the Bush administration has signed with China, Japan, and several other Asian giants to research industrial and consumer eco-influence and to devise commonsensical solutions to real environmental challenges. This pact is the polar opposite of the world's "Blind Faith Secular Socialism" based asset redistribution envirowar model called the Kyoto Accord. It's also the first step toward UN taxation policy to fund an eternal bureaucracy from Hell. If you think that your local, state, and even federal government are out of control, imagine adding a super-bureaucracy on top of them that has no accountability and endless supplies of dollars, mostly from you and me.

The truth is that humans have spoiled their environment by viewing it as an endless supply of self cleaning streams that carry away pollution. Yes, we needed to cut corners to establish a vibrant fabric of complex interactions between living and working. And yes, we can stop polluting if we would only follow reasonable concepts and strategies.

Problem still is that the environment is held hostage by extremists and extortionists that make Fascists and Communists look like kindergarteners. It seems that this movement will not allow any environmental activity without their approval which costs millions of our dollars per major road development or housing development or even commercial development.

But let's get back to the sound of silence! Why have the voices of global warming been silenced for a while? Maybe it's because Congressional Committees are now asking questions about scientist's research since it is TAXPAYER funded. But they say no. It's none of our business. Really? Today we ask where's the BEEF? What do have to prove extreme statements about global warming and climate change? Show us the proof before we show you the money.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The War is on!

No one person can be credited with exposing Blind Faith Secular Socialism more than G W Bush, the president of the United States. He has exposed that there are some in our country and Europe who are trying to weaken this nation so that they can lead us toward globalization beyond our wildest dreams.

The anti God, hostile to Christianity crowd, are now reaching for the stars. It's clear that they are demanding that we adhere to their far left ideals fostered by a coalition of big abortion and slow growth activists. They support the notion that God is dead. Why? So that they can harvest the unborne's organs or limbs to allow atheists to live longer. So that they can make animals as important as humans. So that they can slow our economy so that people do not consume and do not build wealth. Sounds like Cuba to me.

Atheists need to live longer because they have no hope for an after-life. So they must extend their limited life by killing others to steal their limbs and organs. These morally bankrupt elitists feel that it's possible to harvest human organs and limbs as long as they get support from the parents of those unborn children.

Now that's moral, isn't it? No it's not!!!! What we are seeing is an enviro-platform of extreme left wingers that use the environment and atheism to use us to lengthen their lives. These pseudo-scientists are left wing religious extremists that subvert science to spin their political extremisms. Blind Faith Secular Socialism, rather than Secular Fascism is the most extreme religion in the history of mankind.

Time is running short for these 19th century abusers.



Saturday, August 06, 2005

First the Snail Darter and then the Spotted Owl and

then the salmon and so on. But now it's the polar bear. And that's because the panda bear didn't capture the faithfull's imagination. After all, John Tierney, columnist for the NY Times says: "The panda may be cuddlier, but it's really more of a poster animal for gluttony and sloth." He goes on to say that the panda eats 12 hours a day and sleeps the other 12. "Today they need to be artificially inseminated because they seem too lazy to exert their energy to mate. "

So the new selection for the Blind Faith Secular Socialist's (BFSS) poster animal is the polar bear. This animal is in the Arctic where BFSS activists say the first measurable global warming affects are developing. With so much global warming consequence, why is this small number of bears now the cause for spending trillions to save mankind? It's more because the redirection from other animals to the polar bear makes it a better media event.

We all want to help animals in their struggle with nature's hurdles and the cruel food chain. The salmon and the spotted owl's numbers seem pretty reasonable so the polar bear must be the cause today. Yet again, as with salmon and spotted owls, the real science says that polar bears have doubled in numbers over the past decade alone. They eat more and better and their range is expanding, from research by Canada's most renowned universities.

The globe is warming because it's moving away from the last mini-iceage and the last major iceage. So we will warm until the climate turns and it becomes cooler. Are we warming faster due to man's footprint? No-one knows. However many pseudo-scientists believe that mankind is accelerating the increase in temperature and therefore shortening the time when we turn to cooling. Is that bad? We don't know. But any change in climate seems to exercise scientists because they appear to try to stop the climate at a single point. They might be called the Amish of climate. They ask that if it was OK yesterday, why isn't it OK today?

Climate must change. But can we manage that change by reversing nature's natural activities? And if man's footprint on nature is less than 1%, or even sometimes less than 1/100th of one percent, are we causing climate change? Reason says not! But real scientists might answer that question for us. So we must find or train these scientists who are not politically or personally invested in the current big global warming managerie.

So what do we know? We know that climate change is a constant among many variables of science. Yet we know that many if not most among top climate scientists must adhere to the company line that we are fast drifting into a climate upheaval or they will soon be disconnected from their federal grants and public support. There is little doubt that thought cleansing has taken its toll on diverse opinions.

Today there are few who will risk getting disconnected from peer respect and funding by questioning the Blind Faith Secular Socialist eco-positions. Now, what do you think we should do?


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The NY Times Blinked.

Mark this day, July 26th, 2005, on your calendar. A New York Times published editorial comment reverses over a decade of lock-step doom and gloom eco-alarm. No, they haven't given up on their push for global warming inspired economic slow growth, but they have finally admitted that there is no science that proves mankind is causing gentle climate warming.

For me it's heartwarming to read this reversal from those who have trumpeted that all the planet's scientists agree we are killing Mother Earth. I've said that we don't know one way or the other. In fact, they say that: It may not be possible to say that this heat wave or the drought that is afflicting Europe has been caused by global warming, especially when some of the records that fell recently were set many years ago. But it is also impossible to say that these temperature extremes are not part of the cumulative human impact on the climate.

This admission isn't much when past abuses of pseudo-science and of political science are compared and contrasted. Yet the Times' editorial board does for once accept the fact that real scientists don't have a clue what human "green house" emissions do to our atmosphere, if anything. Now isn't that a breath of fresh air?


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Let's See the Science!

After almost 15 years of unchallenged ranting, global warming's most celebrated gurus are now asked to present the scientific evidence. And they are screaming like stuck swine. How can Representative Joe Barton, (R) of Texas, be so disrespectful and insulting by questioning these "Popes" of the secular socialist religious revolution? They feel that Barton is obviously driven by oil interests by demanding to see how your and my tax dollars are spent by these heralded forward knowers.

I thought it is the province of science to doubt and to question and to re-re-re-research anew. For global warming, it's faith that is the coin of the realm. If we don't believe, it's off to the gullag of eco-Fascism. So who are these guys?

Michael Mann, of Pennsylvania State University, where he teaches in the Department of Meteorology and is Director of the Penn State Earth System Science Center (ESSC). He's known for selective interpretations of data by weighting and adjusting it to fit his preselected conclusions.

Michael Bradley is Director of the Climate System Research Center at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Geosciences. His interests are in climate variability and why climate changes, over a wide range of timescales. He did his graduate work at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder. He also studies long past climates to predict today's climate by using computer models.

Malcolm Hughes, is a tree ring counter at the University of Arizona. He quickly answered Rep. Barton's letter requesting certain background data and certain qualifications for his participation in global warming conclusions. His letter reads almost like "I wasn't there" and "I was asleep" and "aliens made me do it." It appears that Mann, Bradley, and Hughes put their names on lots of "science" while they don't want to be held accountable for their conclusions.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

G-8 Global Warming Politics

President Bush arrives at the G-8 meetings in Scotland standing alone among the world's leaders by not joining hands with them on global warming politics. The NY Times, the rag of record for global warming zealots today says that: "Mr. Bush's approach to the environment is one of several topics on which he is at odds with other governments as well as public opinion in much of the world." Of course public opinion is the critical element in that sentence because public opinion is shaped by government propaganda.

It's often breathtaking to follow global warming mission creep from a few isolated facts that are matched with personal feelings and then multiplied by enviro-zealots and political extremists to equate that mankind is just plain bad. That assertion may just be true, but how does that equate to global destruction? It doesn't!

Real scientists still feel that a mini if not maxi ice age is fast developing on the next century's horizon. So higher Co2 in the atmosphere may just allow the oceans to keep it's food chain healthy during the cooling period. That food chain translates into a healthy planet of plants and animals even during centuries of much colder weather.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Energy is Everywhere!

What is it about energy that enviro-politicals find so disgusting? Our healthy planet uses and converts energy everywhere. And mankind functions on the same principles. We create many of our consumer products and our housing and clothing out of organic energy. We eat energy in the form of proteins that animals and plants provide for us. This all seems reasonable and natural.

But then why don't we manage our energy so that it provides the greatest possible productivity for our social fabric? Some say it's because the enviro-political climate is really global warming. There is evidence that the past regulatory and taxing environment is so toxic that it kills much of the possible productivity of natural resources.

One excellent example is "solid waste management," sometimes called urban gold. Few processes are as taxed and regulated as solid waste collection and disposal. There is a major governmental bureaucratic industry built on solid waste activity. We control and tax its collection, its movement, its short-term storage, its recycling, its long-distance transport and its landfilling. I've read that more bureaucrats regulate and tax solid waste than private sector workers collect, transport, and dispose of it. While curb cost can be $500 per ton, actual transport and disposal might only be $100 of it, or often less than 20%.

Government often takes where it can, so this example wouldn't really be important if it didn't disrupt the use and conversion of billions of tons of often pure energy. The United States is THE consumer society. We consume to create by-far the world's highest living standard for even our poor. In fact, consumption by all lowers the costs for big screen TVs and for stereos, and for very low cost cars with 100,000 mile warranties, and for medical procedures, and for almost anything and everything. We consume over 75% of the world's disposable income providing the underpinnings for the world's economy. It won't be long before we create one half of the world's economic activity. Consumption also provides huge opportunities for changing or converting organics back into energy to power our consumption and to power our travel and to light our lights.

Today we in the United States dump and waste trillions of possible kilowatts or hundreds of billions gallons of bio-fuels or alcohols. This takes place because enviro-extremists control the solid waste management processes. As they controlled federal energy policy before the G W Bush administration. Their mantra was conservation rather than more productive use of energy. That is why we have almost $3 per gallon gasoline and up to and over 50 cent per kilowatt electricity. The regulations and taxes for solid waste management are driven by groups that hate human kind's footprint on earth. They also demand their form of recycling. Which they feel is pure by requiring that wood is used for wood and plastic is kept as plastic and paper must remain paper. No matter how unproductive and often corrupt that strategy.

If we could only free solid waste from bureaucratic enslavement and abusive taxing and corrupt contracting with select solid waste processors and haulers. That seems almost impossible today. However, another decade of conservative government will allow honest and productive processes to trickle down to all energy conversion opportunities. Bio-fuels can create ten times the electricity today generated by wind and the sun combined. Free our solid waste so it can free range to a cycle of energy efficiency.


Thursday, June 30, 2005

Democratic Energy Bill Advances

After decades of a one way anti-energy commitment, the House and Senate will soon reconcile an energy policy that looks forward to new and clean energy, while it recognizes the need to dramatically expand fossil fuel exploration, production, and refining within our borders. It's breathtaking what can be achieved when all the people's voices are heard.

America's energy policy has been pointing in the wrong direction for over three decades. Why? Because extremist enviros have been shaping and designing laws and regulations. This misguided and abusive activity has brought us $3 per gallon gasoline and over 50 cent per kilowatt electricity. Today, for the first time in decades, a democratic process that includes all the "stakeholders" has developed a balanced and reasonable bi-partisan legislative product.

The lesson here is that when the elected and bureaucrats become disconnected from the people, mischief results. This is also easy to see in education; medical care; roads and transportation; manufacturing; and other industries and institutions. Institutional and regulatory failures reflect the disconnect from the will of the people. Democracy, with a small d, works better than any elitist inspired arrogance driven process. Why won't some ever understand that?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sea Levels are Rising?

I just listened to a recent NPR report on the melting of glaciers, especially those in Greenland. The program's science expert was Ira Flatow, who hosts Science Friday on NPR. Mr. Flatow talked at length about the fact that Greenland's glaciers are melting at breathtaking speeds. And he says that: "the world's sea-levels will increase by 20 feet when the ice has melted. He further claimed that other UN based climate predictions assure us that the sea level will increase by 20 feet or more.

Even the US EPA states that sea-levels have increased by as much as 12 inches in the past century. And predicts further increases of as much as 2 feet in this century. The basis for all this speculation is that enviros believe that Arctic Ice and Antarctic Ice are the world's "air conditioners." So as the ice melts, the speed of global warming will inevitably increase dramatically. Gee, this sounds suspiciously like the not-to-popular film: 'Day after Tomorrow."

Yet, as with all global warming and climate change predictions, the actual measurable activities do not support the hot air. In fact, the British Antarctic Survey, one of the most credible Antarctic Stations, estimates otherwise. Their 2004 statement on ice change activities for the Antarctic seems much less sure of its results. Here's the direct quote:

"Ironically there is an opposing effect (to rising sea levels) that scientists are more confident in predicting. If the southern hemisphere climate warms, warmer air will transport more moisture to Antarctica. This will give more precipitation, and the ice sheet will respond by becoming thicker (which it is today). So over the next century changes in Antarctica may actually oppose sea level rise, although it is not known if they (thickening ice changes) will be sufficient to completely counteract the thermal expansion of the oceans and the melting of glaciers outside the Antarctic region."

NPR's Flatow says: "20 feet or more" and the EPA says: "two feet or more" in sea level rise. Yet more respected and real scientific researchers say otherwise. The facts are that the sea level has rising globally by about 1mm or a little more over the past century. Some say the cause was natural thermal expansion, not an increase of water volume. So how on earth can the EPA say that US coastal sea-levels have risen by more than a foot? Because they measure erosion, not the water level. Erosion is the result of storms and man-made coastal development changes, like sea walls and other flow disrupters. But politically, 1mm sea-level rise will not support the enviro-extremist's need to paint a planet plunging into environmental hell.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Global Warming from Political Hot Air

Business Week's June 27th issue has a commentary by John Carey headlined: Global Warming: Suddenly the Climate in Washington is Changing. A follow up headline says that "Bush (is) increasingly isolated." It's true that the Senate has come a long way or has drifted far out to see since the 1997 95-0 condemnation of the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases.

Global Warming is not science, it's a political movement. Therefore new scientific research has no affect on the religious left's conclusions. Recently 35 mayors of the nation's largest cities unanimously petitioned the Whitehouse for so-called greenhouse gas emission controls. Then Democrats announced in the Senate that they seek a climate change amendment to be attached to the energy bill. On June 14th, the Administration "fired a shot across the senate's bow, warning to veto any climate change amendments.

So what has changed in the political landscape inside the Beltway? As all religious movements, this one's adherents are out recruiting daily. The fervor and intensity is breathtaking. And for some, whether there is global warming or not is irrelevant. They believe that slower economic growth and less energy use is just plain good sense.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Energy Policy influenced by Energy Experts

I've got to say that I'm shocked, absolutely shocked that energy experts are involved in shaping the Bush administration's energy policy. Why change something that has worked so well for the past three decades? In that time, enviro-extremists stopped all nuclear power plant construction; stopped all refinery development activity; stopped all upgrades and improvements to dozens of coal fueled power plants; and stopped power plant development in most parts of the country.

So Democrats and elite organizations demand to know why the Bush administration is being so arrogant by changing what has worked so well for a few at the cost of almost 300 million American residents?

Energy is everything! Economic output is either increased or decreased by the availability of cheap energy, in whatever form. That is why it's is critical for the United States to have a clearly articulated energy policy. That's not what has driven energy activities for the past three decades. Policy was handled, shaped, and regulations were written by elite and extreme left of center enviro advocates. Their handy work is today expressed in high cost electricity, almost $3 per gallon gasoline and diesel, and slow growth in energy efficiency improvements.

Seldom have so few made life so difficult for so many in the United States. It's now easy to see how far we were taken down this path of destruction. Anyone who votes for Democrats must understand that returning them to power will surely bring back extreme energy policies.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Republicans Stand Up to Global Warming

Opposing any environmental legislation, or educational funding, or New Deal program funding no matter how misguided or corrupt brings savage attacks from the extreme left. So many of the left's programs are often given wide political leeway due to the intensity of the resulting demonizations. But some Republicans are finding a new spine about "Global Warming."

Senator Imhof took the senate floor to give this speech. It marked what is now a momentum builder for others to express their doubt of the "science" used to prove that the global warming theory is fact. The senator called the "threat of catastrophic global warming the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." So he wonders why left of center enviro-extremists and their elitist organizations are pursuing this coarse.

First is that "environmental extremists exploit the issue for fundraising purposes, raking in tens of millions of dollars, even using Federal taxpayer's dollars to finance the campaigns." Second he says: "Put simply, man-induced global warming is an article of RELIGIOUS FAITH (emphasis added) to the radical far left alarmists. Therefore, contending that its central tenets are flawed to them is heresy and of the most despicable kind. Furthermore, scientists who challenge its tenet are attacked, sometimes personally for blindly ignoring the so-called scientific consensus." Third he points out that: "skeptical scientific views are contemptuous, out of the mainstream. This seems highly ironic. Aren't scientists to be nonconforming and (to) question the consensus? ...'Skeptic' and 'out of the mainstream' are their thinly veiled code phrases (for scientific skeptics) meaning anyone who doubts alarmist orthodoxy is in short a quack."

Another tremendous quote comes from the Russian delegation to a Kyoto meeting in Milan, Italy, in 2004, that talked about Russia signing on to the Kyoto Protocol. They were straight forward saying" No, there is no science to it, but we stand to make hundreds of millions of dollars if we sign on to this thing." That's because Kyoto is a secular socialist program of redistribution of wealth managed and controlled by the UN and the WTO. My guess is that an international tax on environment will begin to independently fund the UN so that its bureaucrats can rule the world. Wells was a few decades off when he penned 1984.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Senator Domenici Draws a Line in the Sand

Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico, Republican chairman of the Senate Energy Committee today ditched all aspects of Democrat's push for Global Warming legislation. The senator cited the need for a public hearing process in which real science can be vetted to identify if, why, and possibly how carbon emissions are to be controlled. The enviro-extreme position is that carbon dioxide is a poison. Yet most experts in carbon disagree.

We do know that carbon dioxide is increasing to about 370 parts per million in our atmosphere in a few locations. While we know that it is reducing in other locations. Yet real affect of that carbon dioxide is yet to be observed and measured. The "feeling" among atmospheric scientists is that carbon dioxide will trap solar heat creating "global warming." These same scientists were quoted in 1975, that's just 30 years ago, telling all of us to prepare for "carbon winters" due to very slow carbon dioxide increases. It was their belief, which they expressed as absolute fact, that carbon dioxide would repel solar heat cooling our earth.

When climate model after climate model failed miserably to predict actual changes, another movement sprang up in 1989. That's the "global warming" crowd. They too "know" that carbon dioxide will end the earth as we know it. It is these guys who came up with the concept expressed in a poorly attended film called: "The Day after Tomorrow" in which the northern hemispheres freezes solid in 72 hours, presumably caused by global warming.

It's time that real science be used to allow us to understand our climate.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Today's Washington Post headlines that: "US Pressure Weakens G-8 Climate Plan." It would seem that the Bush administration is watering real science down for their own "greedy" benefit. But what is actually being negotiated here? It's the interpretation of climate facts that are often unrelated. A spike in temperature here or there! A melting glacier here or there. Yet other spots are colder today than in recorded history and glaciers, especially in the Antarctic are growing thicker and broader than ever before observed.

It is appropriate for our elected leaders to ask: "Where's the beef?" Not the political science beef and not the world view of egalitarianism and redistribution of wealth view. There is no dispute that the earth is moving away from it's last major ice age. That means the planet is warming. Yet, the one area climate scientists agreed would warm fast, the outer atmosphere, is cooling. Say what? Cooling!

There are many productive ideas emerging from these often extreme positions taken by one political world thinking groups. Carbon basins are a healthy concept that guarantees to inject more oxygen into the atmosphere. Fewer particulates in the atmosphere will reduce asthmatic issues for some. And overall sustainable management of forests will strengthen our biosphere's overall health.

One gargantuan problem with climate change politics is that extremist groups take no prisoners. They want it their way or the highway. Take the World Wildlife Fund's Hans Verolme. He says that "they would rather not have a deal (at the G-8) that lets George Bush off the hook." What hook is that? The get on board with his group's extreme views hook.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Carbon Dioxide isn't here yet!

Atmospheric trace elements are often given more credit for climate change than they seem to deserve. Take the late 1960s and early 1970s when climatologists feared that a perceived increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) would thicken the earth's cloud layers, reflect warming sun light, and eventually cool the planet back into a major ice age. We affectionately called it the "carbon winter syndrome." Lots of clouds and little if any sunlight.

Today CO2 is said to be reaching 377 ppm when as recently as a hundred years ago it was down near 320 ppm. What does this mean? I asked the Scripps folks who are said to be the strongest in atmospheric research. At what point is CO2 too much? When does an increase in CO2 begin to benefit plant life and the food chain and agriculture worldwide? No-one knows, they say. No-one has extensively researched these questions.

We do know from our pot growing friends and from greenhouse agriculture, that high concentrations of CO2 spur growth in plants. CO2 is after all, plant food. Plants require lots of fertilizer and high amounts of hydration to grow fast and strong. So low levels of CO2 create a thirst by plants for fertilizer and water. Conversely, high CO2 levels reduce the plant's need for fertilizer, water, and insecticides and anti-fungal chemicals because plants grow stronger and more resistant to insects and fungi.

It gets better. Explosive plant growth strengthens the food chain. Plankton in the oceans grows faster to feed shrimp and other small fish who feed salmon who feed mammals such as whales and fish such as sharks. CO2 also strengthens fisheries to the point where the world would be awash with fresh and health omega 3 oil fish.

The Canadian version of the Environmental Protection Administration states on their website that if global worming takes, "Canada's agriculture will be a net winner" from higher CO2 concentrations. Plants grow faster, use less hydration, strengthen, and produce much more per acre. Trees benefit from as much as twice their normal yearly growth.

And Mother Earth? All this CO2 conversion creates more oxygen which provides for relief for asthma victims and probably increases sports records everywhere. Now who says that CO2 is a pollutant? Only those who will benefit from slower economic growth and from more enviro-extortions.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

No Pain, No Gain

Enviro-warriors are making some headway after what might otherwise be called a slow start. The Kyoto Protocol is now the global economic constitution. It reached it's threshold of 141 nations when the Russians signed on. These nations embrace a virtual freeze on economic development, ending their population's hope for economic justice. It's projected that world GDP will exceed $60 trillion by 2030. The laws of physics tell us that low cost energy consumption will be the measure of a nation's ability to grow it's industries and services. So how can Kyoto do anything other than sentence the poor of the world to a life of poverty and daily struggle?

There was a time when it was expected that Japan would grow with the United States in job creation and economic production. But then enviro-extremists slowed energy use in the name of environmental protections. Today Japan's economy is lower than it was in 1990. That's 15 years of stagnation while energy consumption has been reduced. In fact, as many as 100 million Japanese unplug every appliance after they use it so that it doesn't absorb residue electricity. That's hundreds of billions of plug ins and outs to save energy equal to a 200 megawatt powerplant annually. The fact that it saves less than a fraction of 1% of power consumption seems to escape the enviro-culture.

The US economy produced a little more than Japan in 1990. Today we produce 3 times more, near $12 trillion in GDP. In fact, by 2030, the US is expected to produce over $40 trillion in economic activity out of about $60 trillion. That's more than 2/3 of the worlds products and services. Further we will be responsible for another 5% or more of other nation's production through our investments. Better yet, almost all of the world's savings will be invested here because the money gets a good return, or profit. How can France's or Germany's economy pay investors when they are slipping backwards?

Why will the US economy keep growing while other nations will stagnate or reduce in size? It's because they have signed onto Kyoto and the US has not. China and India are signatories, but are exempt. So they will generate most of the non-US economic growth over the next quarter century. And by then, that's 2030, the US will have developed energy efficiencies that will allow China and India to continue robust growth even if they toe the Kyoto global enviro-constitution line.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Religious Left Steps Up

The world's enviro-coalition has been joined by what might be the last left of center special interest group, the religious left. These are the churches and individuals who design and create their form of worship. They reach deep into the progressive situational ethics and relative morality concepts to justify their beliefs and sometimes even their convictions. As a group they are as morally and ethically challenged as they might be united by a single thread of creating a world to their liking.

Joining the enviro-warriors seems a no-brainer. Here a new coalition of now discredited special interest groups, despots, and abusive governing concept adherents that are able to exert world pressure on the United States in the name of the: ENVIRONMENT! No guns, no nukes, at least not yet. But a backdoor way to control the masses and those evil entrepreneurs and risk takers. They think hourly that almost 90% of the world's corporate profits are generated by America's corporations. Now isn't that a disgusting thought? Or is it?

The religious left supports atheist concepts of expunging religion and competition and profit from the public square. They are yesterday's Marxist and passe-communists and even secular socialists who still feel they need to believe in a "force." They also support now-discredited concepts of redistribution of assets and affirmative action biases and bigotries. I wonder if they celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall or morn its loss?

Most importantly the religious left sells out the poor who suffer under struggling economies. It is they who loose their jobs because their work is often classified as discretionary because they are poorly educated and trained. It is the poor and the lower middle class that shoulder the left's fight against the successful. The poor are the "collateral damage" from progressives carpet bombing business and corporations with taxes and regulations to punish their political enemies. That cost results in lower wages and job dislocations.

That's why the religious left is a fit for the enviro-abusers. They collectively have no moral or ethical compass to allow them to understand the damage they do the most helpless. But when they fight the rich, all holds are allowed, no matter whom it hurts.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Economic Destruction

America is entering the process phase of either distancing itself from socialist and communist principles or embracing them. Our poor and working poor are the recipients of this struggle. They have few opportunities to move up and their children are "jailed" in failing schools that assure their dependency on big government for hand-outs.

This is happening because the left thinking elite believe that all the people need them to manage their lives and their environment. The elites say that only they can understand the complexities of government, finance, and enviro-management. They say that conservatives are ignorant of the need to control the masses and to manage their addictive consumption. This is interesting.

We can review what the technocrats and bureaucrats did in the now imploded Soviet Union. You may not know, but they had some of the world's most intelligent scientists. Even today, they have millions of over-educated who can't find a job that allows them to employ their knowledge. But the political elites overpowered logical and political thinkers. That led to the demise of the Soviet Union.

Today we have similar elites in the left wing movement who say that they are smarter and know better than the stupid Soviets. Whom are they kidding? These guys can't balance their own check books much less manage my life and yours. And they say they have no moral or ethical grounding. They just make laws and enforce them without emotion or commitment. Say What?

So where are we heading in this economically and socially volatile environment? America is the leader of all of the rest of the world. Get used to it. We generate more than a third of the world's GDP and consume about 40% of the world's products with 5% of the population. So What? We pay for it. And we use less than a quarter of the world's energy to fuel our economy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

It's the Economy, Stupid!

It goes without saying anything that the Bush administration's resistance to listing carbon dioxide as pollution is viewed by some as criminal and others as an opportunity. Juliet Eilperin, a Washington Post environmental reporter, today supports both assertions.

Scientists, in this case at Arizona State University, are working on concepts and strategies that absorb carbon dioxide created by fossil fuel power plants before it's released into the atmosphere. A number of strategies are showing promise. So what does the enviro-crowd say? Howard J. Herzog of MIT says that carbon sequestration methods "are not an answer to the problem." He further elaborates: "This is not we're going to be able to have our cake and eat it, too."

A reasonable person might ask why Herzog and many other enviro-activists care little about carbon management? Carbon can be managed by growth of plants wordwide and by recent strategies to convert carbon to non-gaseous form at the site where it's created. Both concepts can work side by side to manage carbon dioxide. This seems reasonable because after decades of study, scientists don't know what level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is optimum. Some believe that there is a fine line between too much which might warm the earth and too little which will stunt plant growth.

One fact we know is that as carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere, plant life flourishes which provides the food for animal life to explode in variety and in numbers. The health of our oceans depends on plankton. As plankton increases in numbers, the food chain that leads to fish and mammals is enriched. And so it goes for agriculture worldwide. More carbon equals better and healthier and stronger crops.

But more carbon dioxide also means more economic activity. That means more income and more consumption and continued world leadership for the United States. And that translates into more freedoms and religious choice and hope and opportunity for all the world's peoples. Now that's truly scary for the big government types.

Friday, February 18, 2005

The Earth is Dead Man Walking!

Cox News Service reports that: "Scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography said yesterday that they have discovered the first clear evidence of human-produced warming in the world's oceans, a finding they say leaves little doubt that man-made "greenhouse gases" are the main cause of global climate change."

If this is true, we should all be heading for the exits. Virgin Atlantic Airline is offering the first space travel reservations and I'm getting me one. If this planet is heading for the ash heap, then I want a nice beachside place on the Moon or Mars. Venus appears, from my memory, to have today the climate these guys are predicting for us in 20 years. Hot and humid with lots of gases and limited visibility. I suppose that cave BBQs might be the hobby du jour in our future. There might even be investment opportunities for deep underground city construction. Why not?

Well, reading further into the above quoted article reminds us that the devil is in the details. It reads: "The new study used computer models and field tests to show that heat and energy levels as deep as nearly a half-mile in some oceans have risen dramatically in the past 40 years, in direct conjunction with rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases." Computer Models? I sometimes get SPAM to view computer models and some of them are not very scientific. In fact, computer models are like opinion polls. You write them to support your personal and professional opinions.

So let me get this straight. Carbon Dioxide is slowly increasing in the atmosphere. Most support that fact. So the "scientific" connection between ANY and ALL atmospheric and climate activity during a miniscule increase of carbon dioxide is therefore caused by the increase of carbon dioxide.

It rains! Guess what caused it? It snows? Same! It's warm? Same! It's cold? Same! This intellectually challenged "science" reminds me of the coffee scare when it was "scientifically" proven that drinking more than two cups of coffee a day caused heart attacks. Of course we now know that most of the more than two cup drinkers were generally stressed at work and home and even without coffee died at the same rate.

The United States invests nearly a trillion dollars annually in research and this is the best we can get? The vast majority, over 90%, of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica. And why don't we hear about it? Because it is increasing in depth! For every melting glacier in the northern hemisphere, there are ten increasing in size in the south. Why is this not included in the computer models? Because it doesn't fit! What about temperature? The upper atmosphere and thousands of earth stations report level or decreased temperature. Why is this not included in the computer models? It doesn't fit!

So what about Global Warming? Hire a NYPD detective and in a week of looking for Global Warming he will tell you it doesn't exist. End of story.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Kyoto is here!

And now it begins. It wasn't a coincidence that global warming was rolled out in 1989, the same year that the Soviet Union imploded and world socialism suffered its single greatest set back. Further evidence of a world-wide conspiracy is that the global warming coalition is heavily weighted with politically far left organizations and governments that seek use global warming to redistribute income and to slow our economic growth.

Kyoto labels carbon dioxide the primary "green house" gas. The goal of the Kyoto Protocol is to convert carbon dioxide to the world's first internationally recognized, traded, and taxed currency. Even here Congress continues debating the administration's energy bill well into its third year. A major hurdle to passage is whether to designate carbon dioxide a pollutant. Democrats call carbon dioxide pollution and Republicans say that's an energy deal breaker. It appears that the Dems are trying to backdoor the United States into Kyoto, sort of, by insisting that carbon dioxide is a pollutant.

And that is where we come back to the envirowars. World egalitarians attempting to fund the United Nations through taxation of carbon dioxide. One additional benefit from this strategy is to redistribute America's wealth to dysfunctional socialist nations and to despots. Another is that limiting carbon dioxide emission slows our economy so that it weakens our GDP growth and subsequently diminishes our military power.

The envirowars shed bright light on where our two major political movements stand on America and the world. One movement views America in the eyes of foreign social liberals. They see a very imperfect and internationally hated America. It is left thinker's mission to be embraced and accepted by secular socialists who are the primary cause of their nation's decay. Secular socialists reached their height of world influence in the 20th century. We can measure the affect of Stalin and Hitler and Mussolini. And the world influence of Mao and Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro. Secular socialists have proven to be disruptive for the world's population.

The other movement views America as "a shining city on the hill." Ronald Reagan introduced that America to the world in the 1980s. His policies brought tectonic changes to a world of high taxation and despot hugging. He said that it was the individual who must keep the result of their labors and be given the freedom to spend it. But most of all, he demanded that democratic nations stop embracing despots and enslavers. I remember when he called the Soviet Union the "Evil Empire." It was Kennedy who said that America would "pay any price in the pursuit of freedom." It was Reagan who actually stopped containing the Soviets by defeating them.

Reagan lived the American dream. He supported the New Deal and served as a union leader. But somewhere along the way he began to believe his eyes and ears more than he followed his peer group's words. And ultimately that is what separates the two major movements in the United States. One says do as I say, not as I do. While another says do as you please with your own. But should others in foreign lands tell us how we should do with our own? Not likely. And that might be the political end to those who seek that kind of "global test."

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Kyoto is leaving the station.

The world is launching its best effort at slowing the American and possibly China's and India's economies. Next week the Kyoto Protocol will become international law for those who participate by signing on to it. The United States stands alone in opposing this backdoor effort to slow its economy. China and India care little because for now they are exempt from job killing economic activity restrictions.

The world's growing economies are generally expanding because they export more than they import. And it is the American market place that is the growth engine for the world's workers. If we slow down, Third World countries crash back into poverty. In fact the UN supports the notion that economic globalization has lifted more of the worlds poor above poverty than all government programs for all of history combined.

Our consumption is considered obscene by European elites who feel that only they can be allowed to ride in limos and fly in private jets. Mercedes Benz in Germany restricts sales of their largest models to "select" business and government types. France has always practiced a double standard for the elites as opposed to their rabble. New money, earned by innovative business activities is taxed at levels often over 80% while old money is worshiped as a right and legacy.

So this is the landscape for Kyoto. Tax carbon dioxide. Why? Because economic activity releases carbon into the atmosphere. So America can be hit for hundreds of billions annually for redistribution to socialist and despot governments that long ago lost their way for their citizens. But what is the proof that higher carbon dioxide levels will negatively change our planet's climate? There is none. Zero, zilch, nil. There isn't any consensus on whether more carbon dioxide will even affect our climate.

So the 100 plus dwarfs happily march off to slay the carbon dragon using pea shooters and eloquent words. There is no doubt that they stand for a better planet and support what they truly believe is a policy that all can embrace. But in reality, this pig is so ugly that there isn't enough lip stick or make up to cover all the warts and pimples.