The Post's Juliet Eilperin says: "With Washington lawmakers deadlocked on how best to curb global warming, state and local officials across the country are adopting ambitious policies and forming international alliances aimed at reducing greenhouse gases." Since most mayors are left wing Democrats it's not unusual for the left to walk to the beat of its own drummer when federal policy is otherwise. In fact, global warming promises so much profit that both Billy Clinton and Al Gore are grabbing some of the dough.
Billy's been busy rounding up 6 and 7 figure speaking fees that the Post's Eilperin says: "Last week alone, former president Bill Clinton launched an effort with 22 of the world's largest cities to cut their emissions." While some feel that pushing from Democrat celebrities is lighting a fire under the global warming movement, the Post says: "Some local officials said they are pushing ahead with plans because the Bush administration, which has promoted cleaner technology but opposes mandatory curbs on greenhouse gas emissions, has failed to adequately address the problem."
The issue is what is "adequate." The Bush administration claims credit for greater omissions reductions that any other administration using technological improvements, tax incentives, and voluntary efficiency commitments. Fact is that businesses and industries work more comfortably for a carrot than threat of a criminal stick. Democrats use carrots on tyrants, murderers, child molesters, terrorists, and despots. Yet they use threats of criminal prosecution when dealing with the private sector and political opponents.
Troubling is that city and state employees spread misrepresentations and lies when the Post says: "Some state officials and environmentalists said their efforts will soon surpass anything Bush has done to combat climate change." Truth is that the Bush administration is getting results without hate and envy, the food of liberal extremists.
The joke here is that 300 plus mayors join in religious fervor to promote their political agenda under the heading of environmental religion. They say that 300 mayors agree so that's democracy, isn't it? But it's not science.