Friday, September 22, 2006


Wasn't it the 'National Socialists' of Germany that found repeating an untruth three times internationally makes it a fact? Seems the inheritors of both their politics and their propaganda programs follow the same line. Carbon dioxide is pollution! Carbon dioxide is pollution! Carbon dioxide is pollution! Now that the debate is over, let's decide which liberal programs are funded and which liberal extremists will benefit from them.

Wrong answer! There is no proof that man-released carbon dioxide warms or even cools the planet. Some feel CO2 cools mudda earth, but their voices were silenced decades ago. Some scientists feel that the sun and our planet's hot core are actually the culprits. But the hysteria-du-jour is that man is guilty. American jurisprudence claims that we are all innocent unless proven guilty. This protection doesn't apply to science nor does it apply to conservative thinkers.

Remember that Osama is an "alleged" terrorist while president Bush is "a terrorist." Go figure! In
secular socialist thinking, relative morality and situational ethics rules. So all liberals need is to censor scientists so that only one voice of consensus is heard. And they are at it again. Today's NY Times tells us that the venerable Royal Society of Britain has accused ExxonMobil of funding organizations that God forbid, believe the global warming debate is not over.

So we can now ad selective censorship to relative morality and situational ethics as the cornerstones of secular socialist thinking.

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