Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Enviro Politics

As we approach the end of 2004 it seems reasonable to look ahead. Environmental politics will certainly heat up in 2005. Now that Russia has joined the old Europe by ratifying the Kyoto Protocol calling for slowing economic activity to levels some say will return the world's people to poverty. Slowing economic activity allows corrupt and dysfunctional governments to manage income and wealth. And many believe that's actually what is driving Kyoto.

Powerful governments are struggling worldwide from "freedom" breaking out all over. People everywhere are clamoring for education and for self determination and for opportunities to take risks to create wealth. The Fax machine broke down the "Iron Curtain" and now the Internet is undermining governments with instant information and with competitive and often diverse voices. This movement is seen as toothpaste out of the tube. A mess all over government's ability to control their nations. And much like toothpaste, once it's out of the tube, there is no putting it back. Not that old Europe and Russia and the UN aren't trying.

America's liberal elites fear freedom more than they fear terrorists. The concept that individuals can work as hard as they want to create wealth and to increase their standard of living without government's helping hand strikes fear in the hearts of those who appoint themselves smarter and wiser than everyman. These are affectionately called limo-liberals because they are "do as I say" talkers rather than "do as I do" walkers. This is a large group that hoards economic power while it struggles to keep government power. Hoarding economic power assures that not too many, especially people of color and recent immigrants, gain ground on the elites. And it also assures that government power can be spoon fed to people of color to make sure they stay on the "plantation."

And that brings me back to why old Europe, Russia, the UN and of course North American liberals are using the environment to stop freedom from breaking out all over. Slower economic activity assures that more of the world's people rely on governments for their daily needs. Now that's a symbiotic relationship. The best way to slow economic activity is to stop generating electricity. Here in the Northwest, the enviro-Nazis are talking about breaching dams while they demand that power plants stop emitting carbon dioxide. Both strategies are bound to produce recessions and then a major world depression. And guess what will happen? Governments all over will establish reasonable standards of living and will provide products and services the people need, not those they want. Except of course for the limo-liberals that need their luxuries.

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