Friday, December 02, 2005

Montreal's Climate is Cooling

The Eco-shindig du jour is happening in Montreal this week. It's said that salmon and Orca are the protein of choice to woo the attendants to sign up for Kyoto Plus! Problem was, and still is, that the 500 pound gorilla (USA for those living in secular socialism) isn't peeling this stale banana. In fact, little is sweet about a crowd of politically charged world ruler wanna bes. The French and even the Russians look at the USA and they drool with desire to control it, if not destroy it.

The Bush administration rolls out statistic after statistic that proves that the USA is cutting all forms of emissions and is using less energy per GDP dollar every year. So as our economy screams into the outer solar system, our fuel consumption and resulting emissions are even or reducing. And better is the fact that economic competition drives improvements in energy use every year. That's without draconian laws and choking regulations. Not that the USA has a shortage of either abusive laws or worthless regulations.

Yet the answer from the Montreal calm-bakers and their secular socialist media is that these statistics don't matter. Even if they did, we can do much better. The Washington Post tells us just that with a "disturbing" editorial today.

Let's get this straight. Our economy increases, which lifts all the world's standard of living. We do this without increasing energy usage and by producing less pollution. We provide the vast majority of all of the world's research and development. 9 out of 10 jobs worldwide depend on us. And the poor and needy rely mostly on us. Yet we are the problem. The American consumer is the problem. I'd like to get a few of the drugs the Montreal conventioneers are using.


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