Thursday, March 22, 2007

Al Speaks or is it Wags His Finger?

Big Al Gore came to the "Hill" and the Hill embraced his words, except for a couple Republicans that pointed to Al's less-than-scientific and overly "shrill," in his words, message. Al, according to the N Y Times article "Warned Congress of Planetary Emergency." That's more danger and worse results than thermonuclear war, Al says. Yet when it came to details, Al skated better than Oregon's Tonya Harding. And like Tanya, Al's supporters used a club on the knees of anyone asking Al for answers to Al's claims and personal behavior.

Envirowars' award for plain speaking goes to Senator Inhofe (R) Oklahoma. Inhofe is on record questioning global warming and its secular socialist religious zealots, including Big Al.

Inhofe asked Al to justify his connecting 2005 hurricanes to global warming when hurricane experts say otherwise? Al (Tonya Harding) Gore skated with flair.

Inhofe asked Big Al to explain why the worst case scenario by the UN estimates a sea level increase of 12-17 inches in this century while he scares elementary school children and lectures the rest of us that it's at least 20 feet? Al rolled his eyes and grinned while not answering.

Inhofe asked Al since mankind's existence is on the line, why he hasn't adhered to the eco-demands he makes on the rest of us? Al could have pulled out a tutu while he spun a tale of non-denial denial. When asked to pledge that he would adhere to his eco-demands to prove to the world and little children that he really believes what he says, Al declined.

Inhofe then asked Al to explain America's estimated cost of $300 billion plus and about 4% of productivity per year to get started. Even the UN says that if all Kyoto Protocols are adopted worldwide, at a cost of trillions, the result will be a change of 7/100th of one degree Celsius in the world's temperature.

Al Gore and BillyBob Clinton left a shambles of the world and our economy as pardons were sold on their last days in power. So why would any reasonable and rational person believe that Al could identify a real problem and worse, suggest an adult solution? Al's skating on the Hill seems to answer that question in spades.

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