Friday, January 07, 2005


The jury is in. No more talk; no more research; no more hand wringing is needed: man caused the death and destruction of the Indian Ocean tsunamis. At least so it is told by Greenpeace, The Sierra Club, and The World Wildlife Fund. These protectors of all creatures large or small are convinced that there is a single thread in all of the world's disasters. They say that there is always a single fingerprint on the bodies of dead and suffering. And it's development!

The chorus of this choir sings the tune of minimalists that encourages the world's people to eat only what they need; own only a few items of clothing; one pair of shoes; a hat; maybe a bike or moped. Only the do-gooders need cars and jets and fifty pairs of shoes and ten suits and seven SUVs and five vacation homes.

So when developers and business interests come to Indonesia or Malaysia, the people must resist developing and manufacturing because it will bring the wrath of mother earth on them. If no-one had been near beach hotels or driving on roads or riding in trains, there would have been few deaths from the eco-wave. The eco-wave seeks out those who are vulnerable due to their greed. Those who seek self determination. Especially those who try to build their nations into functioning populations that serve the needs and aspirations of all.

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