Sunday, January 30, 2005

What Geo-Green Alternative?

Thomas Friedman's column in today's NY Times talks about the Geo-Green Alternative to mainstream economic activity. Mr. Friedman tells us that he is a Geo-Green which means that he favors reducing our dependence on fossil fuels which will return power and control over the world to the United States.

Friedman tells us that lower costs for oil will stop nuclear development by Iran, Iraq, and other like aspirants. That's because they will have fewer dollars to pay for mischief. Then he says that America can support the old Europe by supporting their carrot diplomacy while we push our stick diplomacy. Sounds reasonable.

However the truth lies somewhere in between. Wouldn't it be a revelation for America to support a single line of diplomacy? One that punishes those governments that abuse their citizens and their corporations? Is it not more reasonable and doesn't it support our values to stop supporting despots like Fidel Castro or Aristede of Haiti? Why do left thinkers embrace the worlds most desperate secular murderers? Because social policies and programs are miserable failures.

So the left must either reform these discredited programs and their philosophy, or they must defend them to the political death. Political death appears to be the more comfortable road for progressives.

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