Monday, May 22, 2006

Comprehensive Propaganda

Is the NY Times the most discredited American news source? USA Today is going all out for that Pulizer with the LA Times and the NY Times running second by a nose. Time and Newsweek went to the dark side without much loss to the people. Let's not speak of the power hungry and corrupt alphabet media from ABC to NBC, CBS, and CNN to MSNBC and PBS and especially NPR.

The NY Times along with the Hollywood establishment are attempting to resurrect Al Gore. First they must continue to spin his election loss. The Times' Andrew Rivkin writes: "the Supreme Court vote that denied Mr. Gore a chance to win the 2000 presidential election" grants him the right to his prize. Revkin knows that Al lost, fair and square. Al even lost after mischief by Democrat election aficionados and a reported race based attempt to give him the election by the Florida Supremes, according to its Chief justice. But when we're talking liberal lore and urban myth, truth can't hold a candle to party need.

The need is to give Al a chance at the treasury and the economy through the cloak and mantle of global warming and eco-fascism. Bedmates made in hell. Almost 300 million seeking hope and opportunity and Al seeking the 19th century.

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