Friday, June 30, 2006

The Gloves are Off!

The last vestiges of the Supreme liberals are attempting to write new environmental law by accepting review of an assault on EPA refusal to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant. Some believe that rising atmospheric CO2 content contributes to global warming. The reasoning might be that the people aren't smart nor aggressive enough to demand that the EPA and the Bush administration immediately take steps to reduce CO2 emissions.

This strategy seems to be Plan B, after Plan A inspired widespread economy killing Democrat regulatory laws based on hysterical reporting and often psychotic "the end of the world is now" religion revelations failed.

The Bush admininstration can take claim to exposing an unprecedented judicial overreach and make-believe construction of constitution and precedent disconnected laws and feel good special rights giveaways. It surprises me that the early skirmishes of the impending envirowars are being fought in the courts. Going to the courts seems unlikely because most rely on facts and truth to find for or against. Truth about global warming can only be established with facts. Problem is there aren't any. Climate science is now a cabal of projections and averages and computer models. Not a single conclusion is based on verifiable facts.

Truth is that facts and precedents and truth are not of high priority for the liberal Supremes in their loosing fight with conservative ideals, values, ethics, and morals. Years 2002- now 2006 are awash with 5-4 Supreme Court make-believe rulings. Eminent domain is one. Rights for terrorists is another in 04. Underage executions in 05. Recently on Hamdi they attempt to repaint foreign criminal's civil rights with a 3,000 mile brush. I doubt this paint will dry before it's wiped away.

Remember Psych 101 taught us that abused and mentally unstable children give tangible and intangible value away to prove that they care for others and to beg for validation by strangers. Liberal elites and the liberal Supremes seem to fit that basic characterization. Children gave their parent's property and often sacrificed their word and trust. Liberals wrap special rights around extremists at home and special protections on foreign murderers and terrorists.

Do the liberal elite really feel that giving the people's exclusive civil rights and protections to despots, terrorists, and tyrants will change their evil ways? Do they not care that taking from the people endangers them?

Do the liberal elite and their Kool Aid drinking followers really need validation from Europe and elsewhere to feel 5 feet tall? Why not seek domestic validation by cleaning up miserably failed programs and by respecting the electorate?

Do they really believe that hating America will bring respect and support from abroad? Liberal hate and envy will for ever distinguish them from Americans, patriots, and conservatives.

I think not. The envirowars will not be long fought in our courts, maybe in kangaroo courts and the UN, but not in our truth and fact based judiciary.

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