Thursday, June 22, 2006

Global Hysteria

Kevin Trenberth, remember that name. He is the forward attacker on the National Center of Hurricanes and on NOAA's position that hurricane incidence and strength are a reflection long-term global and oceanic oscillations. The experts say we are at the apex of one now. Trenberth says otherwise. He says that he has taken the broadly estimated central Atlantic and Gulf temperatures, subtracted the broadly estimated impact of oscillations, subtracted other likely factors to arrive at a broadly estimated unaccounted 0.08F temperature.

Trenberth is a major poohbah of the secular socialist global warming religion. In this religion all is estimated and averaged. Actual facts and real science stand in the way of the religious beliefs. The religion follows scriptures like this:

Government is God. Government decides on several classes of living for all the people.

The elites control all because they know all. Then there are the governing class and bureaucratic class and the service class and other similar classes.

Government outlaws competition because it disrespects the class system and wastes energy.

Government decides that the people should get what they need. Who decides what they need? The elites.

Government assumes all risk and all rewards. The rabble are told they have cradle to grave security for embracing a mediocre life.

But what happens when competition and private sector success create wealth among the rabble? Government must stop the spread of that cancer at all costs. Freedom of choices and self determination are like tooth paste out of a tube. Once you have it all over your hands, the paste will never ever go back in.

The religion is now attempting the tooth paste put-back. Global Warming is their epiphany. The earth is fast uberheating from pollution created from economic activity, transportation choices, and personal consumption. This must end.

Trenberth is one of the church's high priests telling us that he and his disciples can cobble together "scientific," err political and religious studies that prove all. And so he did one for hurricanes. Church leaders like Kerry, Biden, Clinton, Durben, Fidel Castro, Jung il of North Korea, and Trenberth believe they can stop the US economy by proving among a dozen other things that hurricanes are global warming inspired.

Problem is that the broadly estimated unaccounted 0.08F has no scientific connection to the 2005 hurricane number and strength. Why? Because real hurricane experts estimate that water temperature is responsible for about 5% to 7% of a hurricane's intensity. So when the Gulf of Mexico averages 88F which annually fuels several hurricanes of about 130 mph, an increase of 0.08F, a 1/100 degree F increase divided by an average 6% of hurricanes' strength, estimates a miniscule or even immeasurable increase.

I ask if Trenberth is just hysterical or possibly psychotic in his desperation to tell the world's people that the 2005 hurricane season was caused by a broadly estimated 0.08F temperature variation. Truth is that he is a corrupt and criminal government employee using his position to extort law and behavior changes. Isn't it time to make these abusive pay for their mischief?


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