Monday, October 16, 2006

Can Liberals Protect America?

I see poll after poll telling me that Democrats and their secular progressive masters are better at protecting America. That's protecting the people from criminals; from sexual molesters; from an illegal invasion; and from terrorists. These polls tell us nothing about the people's opinion about the Democrats, but rather tell us that they perceive (after 6 years of daily media onslaught) that Republicans are not up to the job.

It's not that Clinton invited 9/11 by having his administration build new and taller walls between foreign intelligence gatherers and the FBI and then especially between them and local cops and prosecutors. This is the liberal game of gotcha that favors criminals and dismisses and disrespects victims, their rights to justice, and their knowledge that a criminal is punished and no longer walking the streets. But it's not about the Democrats.

The game gets more complicated when search is involved. The police and prosecutors are punished for often innocent mistakes by giving the felon a get-out-of-jail-free card. This might be fun, if it wasn't the result of a rape; murder; and other violent crimes. It's called the 'fruit of a poisoned tree" game. Don't even ask about wire taps. There the game gets very intense. The cops and the FBI and the president can get a wire tap approved if they can show "probable cause" that the person being taped is a felon or terrorist. The rest of the world that liberals use for their standard of behavior says that "reasonable suspicion" is good enough. Yet it's not about the Democrats.

But the game really starts when after a time certain, the subject is either charged or they must be told they are being surveilled. Now that means no terrorist activity can be followed under these rules because terrorists are planning a crime, while felons are being hunted because somebody committed a crime. Republicans are proactive while Democrats are reactive. And that's why Democrats can never protect America, it's institutions, and especially its people. They believe that every terrorist should have the right to do their handy work, only then can Democrats try to convict them, using their games of respect and protections, of course. So how can this be about the Democrats?

Today another liberal judge announced to the world that America still doesn't get it. Why shouldn't they already know that when our mainstream media trumpets that Bush is a war criminal while moderate mass murderer Saddam and multi-million mass murderer Ill are the victims of his mean-spirited attacks. Judge John G. Koeltl of Federal District Court in Manhattan today said that Lynne F. Stewart, convicted of transmitting orders from Ohmar Abdel Rahman, the convicted terrorist, to his followers. Stewart was unrepentant then saying that she was only helping freedom fighters. These are the freedoms fighters that bombed the World Trade Center killing 8. They failed to bring them down so Osama ordered a second attack. Ooops, Clinton was the Democrat and Congress and the Senate were overwhelmingly Democrat protecting us at that time

Today Judge Koeltl made a mockery of justice and law and our counter terrorism efforts by telling a crowded court that there was no proof that Rahman's order killed any Americans. Koeltl is one of the few honest liberal Democrats. He tells us that without clear proof that Stewart actually passed orders that killed an American, she is just being attacked by, in Hillary's words, the "vast right-wing conspiracy." So he says that the fact that our counter-intelligence workers caught the messages before they could be implemented means she gets a get-out-of-jail-free pass too. That's Democrat justice!

At least Koeltl is much more honest than Kerry or Hillary or Dean or Joe Biden. These children hide their feelings and sentiments when it comes to crime and punishment among a hundred other political positions.

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