Monday, October 09, 2006

Inter-Religious Strife!

It's argued that "mission creep" is an ever present assault on initially well designed and executed projects and programs. Two landscapes are extremely susceptible to "mission creep." Military adventures often respond to changes on the ground that can blurr the initial task's boundaries. A good example can be seen in Iraq and Afghanistan where initial removal of despot and terrorist supporting regimes has led to the need to employ elements of "nation building" to create and maintain political and social stability. Winning the war can be much easier than the "mission creep" of winning the peace.

The other arena of "mission creep" is, of course, government. Government's "mission creep" is as intrusive and as deadly to a cause as the military can be to the death of a murderous and abusive regime. We read about and experience government's pernicious reach daily. In fact, what some call forward progress is actually government's often unconstitutional intrusion into personal and religious rights, privacy, and freedoms. Can you spell educational intrusions? Or what about transportation restrictions? Or often unscientific environmental restrictions? Yes, many might wonder how government that self-describes its search and defense of rights and uber-privacy, can be so threatening of the same? Don't ask!

Today's NY Times tells us in an article by Diana Henriques, that churches are fighting the 'government's mandate" to protect the rights of employees in the workplace. Of course this workplace is religious. Seems that secular socialists and progressives in government and the judiciary want nothing more that to intrude into the daily activities, values, morals, ethics, and management decisions of their religious competitors.

This begs the question: "What if a religious person works for the government and demands religious rights, religious privacy, and especially religious freedoms? We know that answer. No rights! No freedoms! No way! No how! No where! No when! If you are Christian that is. Muslims can use their rug anywhere. Others are given wide discretion to practice religions even though they must be unionized and labor law adherent.

For me it's clear that the government's intrusive and oppressive reach will continue and even accelerate unless the people say enough! Merry Christmas is still a legal greeting only because some stood up to hate driven secular progressives eager to erase their religious competition from the public square. Not then, not now, and not tomorrow.

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