Friday, February 09, 2007

Don't Ask and Don't Tell!

The pressure is off now that so-called scientists have crept to the 90% certainty threshold for man caused global warming. I can feel the warming air and see the clouds parting to shine the light of socialist propaganda on each and every American child, woman, and girlyman. Some bathe in this light because it gives them oppressive powers over others. And that's still what it's all about.

Today's Washington Post shines with an offer by Richard Branson to pay $25 million for discovery of a minimum tonnage method to cleanse the atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Branson shines standing next to Al, Bella-lugosi-the-Eco-vampire, Gore. Yes, the Al Gore that flunked out of government classes at Harvard, twice. Yes, the Al Gore that then sought a degree in religion because he couldn't pass any other class load. And yes, the Al Gore that once demanded a constitutional amendment in support of human creation at conception and now marches in parades celebrating the 10th million late third-term-abortion in the USA.

Better is that Al is slated for the Docu-drama Oscar and it's now said that the Swede's are talking about giving Al the Nobel Peace Prize much as last year's award to Jimmy, the communist and Jihadist, Carter. They gave it to Carter to teach President Bush a lesson about war and peace. And now they want to teach President Bush about climate change. Maybe we should rename Nobel's once relevant Peace Prize "The Political Attack Award." After all, these same dipwads gave Arafat, one of the world's most noted mass murderers, the very same award. There is poetic justice having Arafat, Carter, and Al, standing side by side. We then only need Fidel and Steven Spielberg to join this gang of intellects.

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