Monday, February 05, 2007

Pass the Drugs, Dude!

Seems that the United Nations operates at the speed of the world's slowest melting glacier except when Israel and the United States are being attacked. It took 10 years to hold Saddam accountable even though the UN then reversed itself. It's taken more than a dozen yeas to hold North Korea accountable or almost as long to discuss stopping Iran's nuclear ambitions. There were the million dead in Rwanda while France fiddled with Clinton to stop intervention. Israelis die without a whimper from the UN but when a Palestinian is killed in retaliation for mass murder, the UN jumps to attack the innocent victims.

And so it's with the United States. Socialism and communism have gone the way of Dodo, but not at the UN. There the fight against America's successes and economic power is just getting ramped up. We're told that February 2nd, 2007, will be the date that will signal the beginning of a new world order and the end of America. This is the date that the world, aka UN, decided that America is the world's greatest villain because of our economy. In fact, 1,700 communists and socialists claim that we are killing the planet because we drive too many cars and watch too many flat panels.

The Washington Post's editorial today tells us that President Bush can no longer stand in the way of a world movement to save our planet.

Problem with this opinion is that President Bush has since 2001 reduced US emissions by all measures including tonnage, percentage, and efficiency more than any other administration or country.

Problem for the politicals is that our economy is solving emissions while government controls elsewhere are not.

Problem is, and that's why the UN is now hysterical about climate change, that the US economy adds another trillion dollars every two years or less.

While Kyoto might have stopped the US consumer society, today's political so called scientists know that each new trillion in economic output makes it much less likely that socialism and communism can be resurrected. As with Christianity, communists and socialists dream of their own religious resurrection. In fact, without a resurrection, they are "dead children walking."


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