Sunday, April 29, 2007

Neo-Slavers are Talking

These are heady times for neo-slavers that believe a new threshold of power to impose international secular progressive socialism is now within grasp. The "Old" world is embracing global warming because they feel that others use too much and have more than they need. Others? Yes the rabble. Remember the rabble that is unmanageable. The rabble that always demands more than they need. Oh, that rabble. Most every man, woman, and child in America, as well as the rest of the world.

The people are a liability to elitists. Just watch the neo-slaver's "Bible," called the "Matrix." Billybob, Hillarybob, and Al loved it. Because they identify with the "programmer" that has failed again and again to erase human beings because they display self determination and individual behavior. While mass murderers and tyrants and despots can get a half dozen years in a cable and spa filled prison, the people must be eradicated because they often think for themselves. If ever there is a reason for using weapons of mass destruction, the people are it.

Mark Thursday, May 3rd, 2007, on your calendar. It's the day a select group of secular progressive radicals will meet at the University of Washington to frame moral and ethical policies for the multi-trillion dollar global warming religion. The "Ethics and Climate Change" clambake tells us that: "it will focus on topics such as the ethical responsibilities of scientists, obligations to future generations, and the intersection between climate change, global justice and human rights." Global justice and human rights? That's neo-slaver speak for: some use more and have more than they need. So what to do? Robin Hood got it right, they say. Steal from those that have more and give it to those that have less. Global justice and human rights are served.

So what's the problem? Duh! This is a conference of secular socialist elitists tauting global warming to rule the world. Never has a single event in human development been more comprehensive and powerful to herd the rabble. The problem is that the majority of the world's people believe in individual rights and self determination. They believe in God and seek access to America's beacon of freedoms. The people want things they don't need, say the secular progressive neo-slavers. So lets just tell them what they need and provide about 60% of it so they don't get too uppity.

Seems elitists promote the mission statements of America's government institutions. Highways? If you build more, people just drive more. Fossil fuels? If we drill and produce more, the people just abuse energy by wasting it on things they don't need. Pharmaceuticals and medical care? If the people decide, they will demand care that they don't need. Housing? We must block construction and sprawl because people demand houses they don't need. No wonder the Matrix programmer laments that he continues to fail at eradicating the Matrix of human beings.

And so will the undemocratic chit-chatters at the University of Washington. They care not for diversity or democracy. They are on a mission to enslave, err to provide for mankind. Morally and ethicall, of course!!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Conservation is a Conservative Value

It's no coincidence that conservative and conservation share a root word. Conservative values and ethics demand that all respect nature while sharing this planet with plants and animals alike. History tells us that most conservation is achieved by the private sector employing competitive means to improve efficiency and to reduce cost. Not so for liberals and their especially hysterical progressive co-conspirators. Secular socialists, greens, and communists twist and abuse environmental issues as hammers to impose their radical political agenda. This is the political agenda that was politically, economically, militarily, and morally defeated worldwide.

The problem for the moderate conservative is that radical eco-extorters are so extreme and dishonest that the knee-jerk reaction to this oppressive agenda is to oppose it. And that's how radicals can then label conservatives as anti-environment. Of course the media can take an encore because it's their misrepresentations and outright lies that keep the people believing that conservatives hate the environment, the average guy, the poor, and the needy. That's about as honest as sexual predator Billy Clinton wagging his finger about "that woman."

Conservation is now the major world topic. So conservative voices are again calling for conservative solutions to liberal hysteria. Why? Because if left unchecked, liberals will destroy the world. Newt Gingrich recently wrote in Human that: "The time has come to define a fundamentally different approach to a healthy environment and a healthy economy. The time has come for the development of Green Conservatism as an alternative to big bureaucracy and big litigation liberal environmentalism." Don't forget elitist subjugation, Newt!!!

Every conservative I know cares about the environment. None I know attempt to use the environment to oppress others. True conservatives feel that every day freedoms must be supported with a large variety of diverse choices that allow the individual to make moral, ethical, and values based behavior decisions. The fewer the choices, the smaller the diversity of decisions. So a one size fits all Marxist solution to complex environmental challenges is doomed to the same abject failure as Marxist politics. The people reject someone like Al Gore, a fat, lazy, intellectually challenged, and dishonest person, demanding that they walk so that he can ride on a jet. They reject the likes John Kerry and Barbra Streisand demanding that we reduce our "carbon footprint" so they can make "footprints"a thousand times larger than an average person.

Proof again is that energy efficiency has increased and greenhouse gas emissions have moderated more under President Bush than any world leader in any country of the world at any time of human history. Why? Because this president uses incentives and rewards for clean and efficient behavior while all others use oppressive laws and penalties and even the threat of criminal prosecution. Incentives and rewards in a competitive environment achieve results never achieved by coercion and threats. So, as with all other human and natural challenges, competition with incentives and rewards for successful improvements and increased eficiencies is the only way to balance man's needs with nature's ability to support them. That's the conservative way and it's the only way to real conservation.

Only Judeo-Christian ideals of personal responsibility and self determination can build a healthy economy supported by a healthy planet. Tell me about one elitist liberal that can improve on this 2,000 plus years old concept?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Psychosis On Display

A treasure trove of Supreme Court opinions shines the stark light of day on elitist secular progressive thinking and acting. First example is liberal thinking when the constitution or legal precedents don't support their feelings? Not to worry, use other's values and morals to guide and justify creating (unconsitutional) judicial laws. In the infamous Roper vs. Simmons, The liberal Supremes told us that Europeans don't execute the under-aged (they of course don't execute the over-aged either) and that American "public opinion" now favors ending this form of capital punishment. The implication is that Europe is modern and US citizens are at last catching up.

The problem with this opinion isn't just that it relies on European sentiments and unnamed US public opinion polls, it also is disconnected from European and world behavior. The French kill children indiscriminately when it's convenient or even reasonable. They recently shot over a dozen children during a "peaceful" march in the Ivory Coast that murdered over 150. Why? Several French colonialist felt endangered even though the Ivory Coast is an independent UN recognized member country. Worse, the French abuse Muslims living in France without due process and even debate whether rioting Muslim children should be shot on sight or hanged for terrorism only after due process. Now this is European justice!

Worse is the Mass. vs EPA regal ruling. Here the far left progressives decided that American process doesn't count when it's a pet project of the lefties they worship. The Bush administration argued that the EPA can't control C02, carbon dioxide, which is the building block of life and is the most critical food of plants and is the only way oxygen is created, because it's not proven to be a pollutant.

Not to worry, say the blathering bumblers! Let's just use the new product process where a new product must be proven safe before it can be introduced to the market place. So without a wink and a sigh, the lesser Supremes said that the EPA: "must regulate C02 unless it proves that it isn't a pollutant."

Better than the infamous EPA ruling is the most recent Left Wing Tripe Award Winner, in Gonzales v. Carhart, the loosing Supremes didn't find that partial birth abortion is needed or even legal, they just said that: "restricting this particular procedure is a purely political slippery slope" to further restrictions to legal abortion. Breathtaking law analysis. True progressive thought!!! Imagine that four political extremists actually answered honestly that their legal opinion is based on political feelings and far left paranoid sentiments, not the law or the constitution!!!!!! Even Europe, often the Garden of Eden for lefties, regulates every abortion procedure with both the mother and the baby receiving respect. But what do they know? Ask Johnny Kerry, who is America's resident Frenchie!

Further court psychosis is represented in a recent Washington State Supreme Court ruling. In "Everybody gay vs. Washington," the court stammered and fumbled but finally said that legislatures have a right to regulate most everything, including marriage. While court members cringed, they had to say that the people's representatives can legislate and regulate. Seems to me that these lefties were hounded by the act that Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMA) and resolutions and referendum ARE the cornerstone of democracy, especially when DOMAs all over the country have received in direct voting over 70% super majority support by the people. Yet the extremists attempted to encourage other means of overturning Washington's DOMA.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blah!!

One wonderful example of the global warming religion's propaganda is the "anecdotal docu-drama." This story line is used to gain "political consensus" where no scientific evidence supports climate alarmists. The NY Times prints one of these on April 11th. It's headlined: "Seas Rise causes...." This meandering story is written by By Somini Sengupta, an Indian journalist.

Sengupta talks with residents of the Ganges River Delta as the river meets with the volatile Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. This delta is one of the world's most dynamic environments with regular typhoons and floods and the world's most extreme Monsoon climate. We've all learned a little about the Mississippi Delta on which New Orleans is built and where New Orleans unrelentingly sinks into the marsh. Deltas are dynamic by definition. They flood and islands grow and break apart with predictability. Science tells us that there is no delta more in motion than the Ganges River Delta.

So what does global warming disciple Sengupta tell us? That the islands of the outer Ganges River Delta are exposed to tides, typhoons, and river flooding every year. Duh! This might be a question for "Are You Smarter Than A Third Grader" on FOX. But among the global warming followers, truth and science are but facts that others use to try to discredit their God.

The Big Lie of this article is that while the headline says "Rising Sea," there is not a single article mention of a rising sea level. Why? Because there is not a single scientific fact that supports the assertion that the Bay of Bengal's mean sea level is rising. In fact, some say that the sea is actually a little lower today than 100 years ago. But then actual sea level isn't important in this article. It's the feeling and the perception of a stronger and more volatile sea that is important and that this is caused by man-made pollution. Propaganda like this still underscores a Newt Gingrich quote from 1994 after American voters swept corrupt Democrats out of the House and Senate: "We will no longer legislate feel good and happiness and self worth." Worse is that we may now be legislating " global warming religious consensus."

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Silence is Deafening!

Global warming religion's silence since this week's US Supremes fractured finding in Mass vs. EPA is deafening. Seems to me that some are digesting this finding's ultra-progressive left wing view, while others wonder if this position is short-lived because it's not based on law or on common sense. In fact the imperial Supremes, four individuals that care not for the constitution or the people, have again decided they can do as they feel because "they can." This is the European judicial view that has crept into our Supremes over the past 50 years time.

A recent similar crowing glory came in Roper vs. Simmons, where the same loony suspects decided that underage executions are unconstitutional. Why? Because they said with a straight face that European laws and public sentiment demanded it. They didn't base that finding on a single law or even on the US Constitution. They just said it's time to move on. They also ignored the fact that states regulate minor age executions more than any other criminal punishment. They ignore that the feds have no right to tell a state how to punish a criminal unless the punishment is cleary unconstitutional.

These Supremes are no less criminal in their views than earth's most desperate despots and tyrants. There are few greater single dangers to America than four make-believe tinpot jurists feeling they are above the law. If ever a group needs to be dragged into the pubic square to be exposed for their fraudulent and abusive behavior, these are the ones. Elitist Justice John Paul Stevens will take his place among the court's most illustrious double talkers. A place of Supreme Court infamy that counts racists, America haters, KKK members, communist worshipers, and power abusers among its membership. Worst is they are the foundation for future oppressions that will evolve America from a land of hope and opportunity to a racist, anti-capitalism, and atheist wasteland of John Kerryeske and Billybob/Hillarybob Clintonian liars and cheats oppressing the people.