Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blah!!

One wonderful example of the global warming religion's propaganda is the "anecdotal docu-drama." This story line is used to gain "political consensus" where no scientific evidence supports climate alarmists. The NY Times prints one of these on April 11th. It's headlined: "Seas Rise causes...." This meandering story is written by By Somini Sengupta, an Indian journalist.

Sengupta talks with residents of the Ganges River Delta as the river meets with the volatile Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. This delta is one of the world's most dynamic environments with regular typhoons and floods and the world's most extreme Monsoon climate. We've all learned a little about the Mississippi Delta on which New Orleans is built and where New Orleans unrelentingly sinks into the marsh. Deltas are dynamic by definition. They flood and islands grow and break apart with predictability. Science tells us that there is no delta more in motion than the Ganges River Delta.

So what does global warming disciple Sengupta tell us? That the islands of the outer Ganges River Delta are exposed to tides, typhoons, and river flooding every year. Duh! This might be a question for "Are You Smarter Than A Third Grader" on FOX. But among the global warming followers, truth and science are but facts that others use to try to discredit their God.

The Big Lie of this article is that while the headline says "Rising Sea," there is not a single article mention of a rising sea level. Why? Because there is not a single scientific fact that supports the assertion that the Bay of Bengal's mean sea level is rising. In fact, some say that the sea is actually a little lower today than 100 years ago. But then actual sea level isn't important in this article. It's the feeling and the perception of a stronger and more volatile sea that is important and that this is caused by man-made pollution. Propaganda like this still underscores a Newt Gingrich quote from 1994 after American voters swept corrupt Democrats out of the House and Senate: "We will no longer legislate feel good and happiness and self worth." Worse is that we may now be legislating " global warming religious consensus."

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