Monday, June 27, 2005

Global Warming from Political Hot Air

Business Week's June 27th issue has a commentary by John Carey headlined: Global Warming: Suddenly the Climate in Washington is Changing. A follow up headline says that "Bush (is) increasingly isolated." It's true that the Senate has come a long way or has drifted far out to see since the 1997 95-0 condemnation of the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases.

Global Warming is not science, it's a political movement. Therefore new scientific research has no affect on the religious left's conclusions. Recently 35 mayors of the nation's largest cities unanimously petitioned the Whitehouse for so-called greenhouse gas emission controls. Then Democrats announced in the Senate that they seek a climate change amendment to be attached to the energy bill. On June 14th, the Administration "fired a shot across the senate's bow, warning to veto any climate change amendments.

So what has changed in the political landscape inside the Beltway? As all religious movements, this one's adherents are out recruiting daily. The fervor and intensity is breathtaking. And for some, whether there is global warming or not is irrelevant. They believe that slower economic growth and less energy use is just plain good sense.


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