Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Republicans Stand Up to Global Warming

Opposing any environmental legislation, or educational funding, or New Deal program funding no matter how misguided or corrupt brings savage attacks from the extreme left. So many of the left's programs are often given wide political leeway due to the intensity of the resulting demonizations. But some Republicans are finding a new spine about "Global Warming."

Senator Imhof took the senate floor to give this speech. It marked what is now a momentum builder for others to express their doubt of the "science" used to prove that the global warming theory is fact. The senator called the "threat of catastrophic global warming the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." So he wonders why left of center enviro-extremists and their elitist organizations are pursuing this coarse.

First is that "environmental extremists exploit the issue for fundraising purposes, raking in tens of millions of dollars, even using Federal taxpayer's dollars to finance the campaigns." Second he says: "Put simply, man-induced global warming is an article of RELIGIOUS FAITH (emphasis added) to the radical far left alarmists. Therefore, contending that its central tenets are flawed to them is heresy and of the most despicable kind. Furthermore, scientists who challenge its tenet are attacked, sometimes personally for blindly ignoring the so-called scientific consensus." Third he points out that: "skeptical scientific views are contemptuous, out of the mainstream. This seems highly ironic. Aren't scientists to be nonconforming and (to) question the consensus? ...'Skeptic' and 'out of the mainstream' are their thinly veiled code phrases (for scientific skeptics) meaning anyone who doubts alarmist orthodoxy is in short a quack."

Another tremendous quote comes from the Russian delegation to a Kyoto meeting in Milan, Italy, in 2004, that talked about Russia signing on to the Kyoto Protocol. They were straight forward saying" No, there is no science to it, but we stand to make hundreds of millions of dollars if we sign on to this thing." That's because Kyoto is a secular socialist program of redistribution of wealth managed and controlled by the UN and the WTO. My guess is that an international tax on environment will begin to independently fund the UN so that its bureaucrats can rule the world. Wells was a few decades off when he penned 1984.

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