Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Senator Domenici Draws a Line in the Sand

Senator Pete Domenici of New Mexico, Republican chairman of the Senate Energy Committee today ditched all aspects of Democrat's push for Global Warming legislation. The senator cited the need for a public hearing process in which real science can be vetted to identify if, why, and possibly how carbon emissions are to be controlled. The enviro-extreme position is that carbon dioxide is a poison. Yet most experts in carbon disagree.

We do know that carbon dioxide is increasing to about 370 parts per million in our atmosphere in a few locations. While we know that it is reducing in other locations. Yet real affect of that carbon dioxide is yet to be observed and measured. The "feeling" among atmospheric scientists is that carbon dioxide will trap solar heat creating "global warming." These same scientists were quoted in 1975, that's just 30 years ago, telling all of us to prepare for "carbon winters" due to very slow carbon dioxide increases. It was their belief, which they expressed as absolute fact, that carbon dioxide would repel solar heat cooling our earth.

When climate model after climate model failed miserably to predict actual changes, another movement sprang up in 1989. That's the "global warming" crowd. They too "know" that carbon dioxide will end the earth as we know it. It is these guys who came up with the concept expressed in a poorly attended film called: "The Day after Tomorrow" in which the northern hemispheres freezes solid in 72 hours, presumably caused by global warming.

It's time that real science be used to allow us to understand our climate.

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