Monday, September 12, 2005

Endangered Species Act

The heat is turned up on a proposed review of the efficacy of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Republicans are saying that the evidence is in that the ESA achieves very little in its task to save endangered species. In fact, research tells us that few if any species are being helped by the act. Yet Democrats are pulling out the heavy artillery to stop any its bitsy look-see at their act. Truth is that the ESA is a major construct of the "Blind Faith Secular" government religion.

This religious movement feels that all of their laws and feelings are infallible. That only non-believers ignorant of their religion would question what the faithful know. This position is breathtaking because the vast majority of the Blind Faith religion are paid by tax dollars. There are researchers and scientists. Teachers and professors. The elected and bureaucrats. All preaching and all unconstitutionally using our tax dollars to worship.

How is this expressed? Conservatives are for the first time asking questions about conclusions made by certain global warming and environmental experts. Yet these experts are running for the exits. They claim they are being persecuted. They are hiding behind their political handlers. Liberals say that all conclusions are vetted by scientists. And all research is peer approved. In English, they say that each member of their religion reviews other members of their religion. And after decades of review after review. Their conclusions are right.

This process mirrors the liberal political processes. A number of liberals get together to debate policy. They select one to be the conservative. Then they beat up on him until he says that he has changed his mind. Then they tell us that this policy was fully and fairly debated in a bipartisan spirit. I remember a John Kerry friend telling the media that "John always reviews every issue from 25 viewpoints." My response is why does he always arrive at the same political place? That's not coincidence, it's ignorance and bigotry.

The ESA is one of the Blind Faith religion's commandments. So expect a fight unlike any other when conservatives demand that the act be reviewed for results. There are none because the act was never intended to save species. It was written to restrict property ownership, to slow economic development, to end the use of cars, to slow population growth, and to redistribute wealth. It works quite well in this arena. And that's what the conservatives seek to end.


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