Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Scientist: "knowledge as distinguished from ignorance."

Scientists are revered by left of center thinkers for their ability to separate themselves from feelings and biases while they seek the truth. Scientists don't believe in anything. Not Santa or the Easter Bunny. Not the tooth Ferry or God. They are the pillars of truth and tested opinion, they stand alone among us mere mortals who need to grasp at straws to make sense of things.

So why are scientists running for the exits now that many are starting to ask questions about their methodology, or how they connect sometimes invisible dots. Global warming is said to be absolute due to peer review and multiple testing. Say what? Show us the money and the results. Where's the beef? Why hide behind political hacks that attack the questioners? Why not allow real questions so that global warming can be tested scientifically?

So today comes another blow to the body science. The NY times writes that the UN is now publishing the results of 100 of the most heralded radiation scientists that went to Chernobyl to study the aftermath of that most extreme nuclear accident. And guess what? The real science is light years from the not-so-scientific-science offered at the time of the event and in the years thereafter.

The experts were so far off reality that their opinions are totally irrelevant in today's terms. They said tens of thousands would die from radiation sickness. Today only 400 deaths can be directly attributed to the event while another 4,000 are possible. We were told that radiation would linger for several hundred years. It is gone after 20 years. Not that 20 years are irrelevant, but the experts were so far off that they must review every thought, every theory, every statement because they are based on a 'flat earth" concept.

How can these guys be so wrong? Especially since radiation is easy to study after two bombs were dropped on Japan and tests were plentiful in the 20th century. Point is that even with this elementary science, the experts are out to lunch. Now let's talk climate. Not a single conclusion can go unchallenged and untested by outside experts. We might demand that every scientist learn how to define his designation.

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