Thursday, September 01, 2005

Katarina was caused by Global Warming. NOT!

It's now 72 hours AK, that's "After Katarina." And we are hearing the dishonest and disingenuous propaganda from the envirowarriors. They tell us that hurricanes are increasing in intensity due to Global Warming. And that President Bush is the cause of all Global Warming. Why? Because he didn't propose and sign the Kyoto Protocol. Of course they forget that Bill Clinton didn't propose it either. He just let it languish hoping that a fool like Al Gore might be elected president. At least this administration said what Clinton was afraid to say: Kyoto is a fraud!

Back to Katarina. She was a bute. Yet hurricane experts tell us that the mid-Atlantic Ocean is in the high point of hundreds of years oscillation. That means that hurricanes are more plentiful and sometimes more aggressive. These oscillations move across the globe. A decade ago I was in Tokyo when they suffered their most furious recorded typhoon. We were in a cab and within 30 minutes the water was up to the window of the cab. The wind exceeded 150 miles an hour that afternoon. The subways were flooded and all traffic stopped. As a side bar, I taught a bartender at the Tokyo Hilton to pour perfect manhattans. He was very happy to do so. Bob Lee, one of the world's foremost life insurance executives, sat with me while we drank three doubles. Problem was that they cost $170 each. What do you think about a $1,500 six drink tab?

Back to Katarina. Experts tell us that typhoons and hurricanes around the globe are on the down side of the oscillation. They are down and we are up. Global Warming we ask? Not a factor they say. Anyone who says that Global Warming had even an iota to do with this hurricane is a member of the "Blind Faith Secular Socialist" religion. They care little about science or about reality. They just believe that mankind's influence on the planet must be controlled and diminished.

One more thing about Katarina. Look at the uneducated and government dependent masses in New Orleans, that have no idea what to do to save their families or themselves. This is the result of 70 years of liberal secular socialism. We have allowed ignorant politicians to take tens of TRILLIONS of our tax dollars for their programs and projects that have increased poverty and dependence. Look at the human resources that are lost for all time. These are smart people who have been herded and abused until they have no hope. If ever there is a time to see what secular socialism has achieved, look at New Orleans today, Thursday, September 1, 2005.



Anonymous said...

Hello, finally a blogger that is slightly more educated than a slug. I am a scientist working in the health care field right now, but I aided with climatology research at the University of Texas. As any moron (educated in science) knows that the worry of the supposed Global Warming problem is the problem of Glacial melting, and the melting of the polar icecaps. This would lower the temperature of the oceans thermal containment ability, or the ability to hold heat. This would cause the melt down of the Earth's weather patterns and there would be NO more hurricanes, tropical storms, or water born cyclones. If the warming of the Earth's surface was occuring all cities on the coast would flood, and the central parts of all continents would be like a desert. Keep up the good work Sir, and I will check back occasionally.

Brother Waxwell said...

Brilliant. Spot On!


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