Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Emanuel finds religion, Global Warming religion!

For decades one of climate scientist's major global warming holdouts was MIT's Kerry Emanuel. "Professor Emanuel asserted often that no firm link had been established between warming and the intensity and frequency of hurricanes," says the Times. But now he's found the religion.

A NY Times article tells us that: "On a recent visit to New York, Professor Emanuel, who is 50, said, "It's been quite a ride since the Nature article." He added, "But it's a really bad thing for a scientist to have an immovable, intractable position." Imagine that he is now embraced by eco-terrorists and secular socialists and communists worldwide. Whatever made him wait? Like the salmon swimming upstream, Emanuel found that opposing muggers and abusers wears one down. And it costs in grants and income.

So what's the science he used to connect the dots? It's: "There is no doubt that in the last 20 years, the earth has been warming up. And it's warming up much too fast to ascribe to any natural process we know about." In other words, he feels that since he hasn't found a reason for warming among the billion variables that contribute to weather and climate, it must be man. Sounds religious to me.

Fact is this religion is all about intelligent design. The design is man and the intelligence is that a few persons feel they know because they do. No real science! No connecting dots. Just what seems like warming and feels like it's unnatural must be what they say it is. Breathtaking. I'll hold my breath for some real science.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think what Emanuel is clearly saying - having been a skeptic about anthropogenic global warming for so long - is that the *science* NOW clearly demonstrates a connection.