Monday, January 09, 2006

Is it the Environment after all?

Southern California Edison is America's number one renewable energy creating utility. Edison's manager divert millions annually to devise plans to create power using renewable sources. They invest in solar collection systems, they generate 45% of their renewable energy through biomass projects that benefit farmers, and now have over $3 billion in efficiency projects underway.

Along comes the Sierra Club and other Eco-extremists that say that it's all wrong. Say what? They are lining up to stop solar energy farms as large as 3 square miles and want to curtail windmill farms. Why? They are "unsightful" and they "hurt birds and other plants and animals like ants and desert bugs. " What's going on here?

The eco-crowd has stopped most fossil fuel exploration within the United States. They oppose almost every effort to tap new fossil fuel sources saying that it causes global warming. The same enviro-advocates oppose increased import of fossil fuels, especially natural gas from Canada. So what do they want? They want America to slow it's economy so that workers only buy what left wing elitists say they need. Of course these limo-elitists say THEY need limos and dozens of homes and vacation sites.

When did loving and respecting the planet become an abusive political movement? I say it was when secular socialism died. When the Soviet Union imploded and when Judea-Christian principles for self determination and personal responsibility swept the world. It was when the people learned that they can take care of themselves better than disinterested third party bureaucrats.

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