Sunday, January 15, 2006

Gore's Screensaver ends!

It is said that Al, "I invented the Internet," Gore woke one morning with an idea to send a multi-million dollar camera into space to send back ongoing pictures of our planet. He says that the picture might be used in classrooms where children can see the earth in real time. He says that might put the fragile earth into children's mind. In the words of Newt Gingrich: "This is more of feel good government."

Better, the N Y Times today tells us that the end of the screensaver might be the end of the earth itself. Robert L. Park, a mostly far left wing scientist, tells us that Gore's screensaver, known as Triana, the Deep Space Climate Observatory, would have proven man-made global warming. And he says that the Bush administration flushed it to protect polluters. Ah, the little guy against the greedy global industrial complex. But where's Al, "Underdog" Gore? Why isn't he speaking to save his "invention." Truth then and now is that Triana is just another screensaver.


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