Sunday, January 15, 2006

Kabuki Theatre

Energy is Freedom. Unlimited energy is as American as apple pie and Rock & Roll. So what is it about restricting energy use that Democrats feel is American? They say that the USA should never use more than it's fair share of the world's energy. They feel that we consume too much. They want to pass laws to restrict our consumption only to what they say we need. Not a kilowatt more.

Yet consumption is in the eye of the beholder. If that isn't an American value, what is? Who am I to tell you what you need? This is government by Fidel Castro. Go to Havana, as most Democrat senators do. See a need based society for yourself. See how government and it's cronies drive cars while the people walk, ride donkeys, or sometimes get to ride a 1950s style bus. It reminds me of Barbra Streisand running national adds telling us to use less energy. When asked about her consumption, she answered: I need to have my 17 houses and condos refrigerated to 68 degrees because I can't stand to be too warm."

It all goes back to freedoms. Do Americans want to cede their God given freedoms and rights to often unelected government bureaucrats who's political views are mostly way out of the mainstream? The Alito hearings tell us plenty about giving power to the unaccountable. Democrats attack Alito's support for the power of the executive. He feels that the president can and must direct and manage all executive branch agencies. Democrats say that presidents come and go while bureaucrats act independently of elections. This is un-American!

Do we want to give our freedoms to those that look to Cuba and France for leadership? I say not! I say Democrats don't get!!!! We can and should reward those that use less energy in their lives. But it's un-American to punish those that want to use more. Should we provide efficient transportation alternatives? Yes! But not at the expense of road building. Roads are the key to transportation choices and freedoms.

American energy is the key to most of our freedoms. And energy freedoms and choices are what makes America great.

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