Monday, January 30, 2006

Northwest Pacific Coast is Changing!

The title wave of connected dots is breathtaking. Every-day-weather is now part of a mosaic of anecdotal (unscientific) global warming proof. But weather changes all the time, you say. And I say the same. Weather does change every day. It's climate that averages and moderates the changes so that we can estimate long-term weather changes.

But what if we mix and match weather with climate, with observations, and with feelings? Some say that we will get true scientific results. But others say that mixing wine with beer and with vodka doesn't make it more precise, it makes it exactly the opposite.

Monday's (Jan 30)
Seattle PI tells us that the Northwest Pacific coast is under dramatic change that will result in? Global death, due to global warming, silly!!!! It seems that ocean flows and subsequently fish movements are helping some birds feed better than ever and others to starve. We are told that this is all caused by man's need to drive a car or an SUV. And it's caused by slightly higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

So what does science say? It just nods and ahas it. In fact, there is little science on CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. And worse is that the little science is disputed. Some say that higher CO2 will increase atmospheric temperature while others say it will decrease it. And another faction says it will do nothing.


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